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Their darn mud-scow mostly runs here, to Sachigo, and there ain't a thing along the way to interest Idepski but Sachigo. We'll be getting word from Charlie Nisson in some hurry." "Yes, we'll get it in a hurry." Standing nodded. He was transparently perturbed. Bat watched him closely. Then, in a moment, his mind was made up.

Th' Spanish admiral shoots at him with a bow an' arrow, an' goes over an' writes a cable. 'This mornin' we was attackted, he says. 'An' he says, 'we fought the inimy with great courage, he says. 'Our victhry is complete, he says. 'We have lost ivrything we had, he says. 'Th' threachrous foe, he says, 'afther destroyin' us, sought refuge behind a mud-scow, he says; 'but nawthin' daunted us.

There was quite a collection of people, looking on or taking leave of passengers, the steam puffing, stages arriving, full-freighted with ladies and gentlemen. A man was one moment too late; but running along the gunwale of a mud-scow, and jumping into a skiff, he was put on board by a black fellow.

I intended to try to keep under until I got into water shallow enough for me to touch bottom, and walk ashore. After half a dozen strokes, I felt for the bottom and my feet touched it. Then I raised my head, but I didn't raise it out of the water. It struck something hard. In an instant I knew what had happened. There was a big mud-scow lying by the side of the wharf, and I had got under that!

There was quite a collection of people, looking on or taking leave of passengers, the steam puffing, stages arriving, full-freighted with ladies and gentlemen. A man was one moment too late; but running along the gunwale of a mud-scow, and jumping into a skiff, he was put on board by a black fellow.

Of one of these boats the Deliverance was only one-third the size, but I took passage on her because she would give me a chance to see not only something of the Congo, but also one of its great tributaries, the less travelled Kasai. The Deliverance was about sixty-five feet over all and drew three feet of water. She was built like a mud-scow, with a deck of iron plates.

They asked him if he were insured; and whence he had stolen his anchor, because, they said, it belonged to the Carrie Pitman; they called his boat a mud-scow, and accused him of dumping garbage to frighten the fish; they offered to tow him and charge it to his wife; and one audacious youth slipped up almost under the counter, smacked it with his open palm, and yelled: "Gid up, Buck!"

Five companies of foot and one of horse-picked troops of Spain and Italy had surrendered a wealthy, populous town and a well-fortified castle to a mud-scow, and had fled shrieking in dismay from the onset of seventy frost-bitten Hollanders. It was too late to save the town, but he could punish, as it deserved, the pusillanimity of the garrison.

"Make it five, Sam. I feel smaller now." "No, that'll be Pete's rate. Come on and take the mud-scow back to Eph. Present my compliments to him after he has washed it." Some people have a way of pruning a friend's spirit in a manner that makes it bush out more hardily than ever. That is the way Sam does me, and I intend to worship him delightfully if I want to and he continues to deserve it.

Dirt and Iniquity is their name, evil are their ways, cuss and confound them! 'It was not worth the while for a gentleman to fight such scallawags behold, a blind nigger in a mud-scow could have put them to flight even a blind nigger should we have sent against them.