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I. Mortimer-Ternaux, VII., 435. Who has ever furnished the world with this spectacle? Danton, at table in the ministry of Foreign Affairs, remarked: "The Revolution, like Saturn, eats its own children." Denunciation by Lecointre.

Consequently the committees are purified, and particularly the Committee of General Security. Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 443. Bill of indictment: "One of these publicly boasted of always having voted death. Others state that they were content to see people to give their judgment; physical inspection alone determined them to vote death.

The insurgents are so evidently in the right that Romme and Prieur approve of their own arrest. Result of the deliberations of the Nantes sections. Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 126. On the opinion of the departments cf. "The Revolution," Vol. II. Ch. Archives Nationales, AF. II., 157. Reports by Baudot and Ysabeau to the Convention. The 19th of Aug.

Couhey, indeed, was sent to the Abbaye for applauding a Federalist speech. Cf. on these three months. Mortimer-Ternaux, vol. Osselin: "I demand the decree of accusation against them all." Amar: "The apparently negative conduct of the minority of the Convention since the 2nd of June, was a new plot devised by Barbaroux." Report by Amar. Wallon, II., 407, 409.

Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 203. The insurrection of Toulon, Girondist at the start, dates July 1st. Letter of the new administrators of Toulon to the Convention. "W desire the Republic, one and indivisible; there is no sign of rebellion with us... Representatives Barras and Freron lie shamefully in depicting us as anti-revolutionaries, on good terms with the English and the families of Vendee."

Europe and the Directory . Among the histories, the most important are those of Blanc, Taine, Sybel, Sorel, and Mortimer-Ternaux. Special studies: C. Rousset, Les Volontaires de 1791-1794. Chassin: Pacifications de l'Ouest and Dictature de Hoche. Mallet du Pan: Correspondance avec la cour de Vienne. Also the Correspondence of Sandoz.