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The sea adjoining breeds a certain beast which they call mors, which seeketh his food upon the rocks, climbing up with the help of his teeth. The Russians used to take them for the great virtue that is in their teeth, whereof they make as great account as we do of the elephant's tooth.

Of course if you refused you were a "blighter" of the worst description. I retired gracefully my only regret being Bridget's companionship. Two beings could hardly have laughed as much as we had done when impossible situations had arisen, and when the verb "to cope" seemed ineffective and life just one "gentle" thing after the other. I was given the little Mors lorry to drive.

I could fancy the poor snug little thing shrinking within, like a guilty conscience. Ah, well says Juvenal, "'Mors sola fatetur Quantula sint hominum corpuscula." "He has a superb head, though," I replied. I like to allow that other people are handsome now and then it looks generous." "Yes," said Vincent, "for a barber's block: but here comes Mrs.

"Seize him!" cried Zat Arras, and a dozen officers sprang forward to assist him. Kantos Kan came close and whispered to me. "Desist, I beg of you. It will but involve us all, for I cannot see these men lay hands upon you without aiding you. My officers and men will join me and we shall have a mutiny then that may lead to the revolution. For the sake of Tardos Mors and Helium, desist."

Hearing that through the blunder of an illiterate undertaker the motto on Kenyon's hatchment in Lincoln's Inn Fields had been painted 'Mors Janua Vita, instead of 'Mors Janua Vitæ, he exclaimed, "Bless you, there's no mistake; Kenyon's will directed that it should be 'Vita, so that his estate might be saved the expense of a diphthong."

And now two great fleets were moving upon Helium, while the Dusarian spies at the court of Tardos Mors saw to it that the twin cities remained in ignorance of their danger. War had been declared by Thuvan Dihn, but the messenger who had been dispatched with the proclamation had been a Dusarian who had seen to it that no word of warning reached the twin cities of the approach of a hostile fleet.

Beg pardon, Miss , one instant. I am searching for where have I put it?" "I beg your pardon, sir: I am a little deaf," said Mrs. Pennant. "Deaf hey? Ha! a little deaf. So everybody is now-a-days; even the most illustrious personages, more or less. Death and deafness common to all mors omnibus. I have it. Now, my dear young lady, let us have another look and touch at these beautiful teeth.

It is the expression on this earth which makes me laugh; as if it were possible to go anywhere else in search of happiness. 'Mors ultima linea rerum est'. Yes, death is the end of all, for after death man has no senses; but I do not say that the soul shares the fate of the body. No one should dogmatise on uncertainties, and after death everything is doubtful.

And by him that spake only as a philosopher, and natural man, it was well said, Pompa mortis magis terret, quam mors ipsa. Groans, and convulsions, and a discolored face, and friends weeping, and blacks, and obsequies, and the like, show death terrible.

"In Shakespeare's play of 'Hamlet'" said Hardy, "it is described of Hamlet's father that he smote the sledded Polaks on the ice." "Our story of Amlet, not Hamlet, is as follows," said the Pastor. "At Mors, a place in Jutland, there was a king called Fegge.