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"Wot," growled one, pausing, the better to spit in passionate disgust, "put the 'orses to the phaeton, must I? And at this time o' night an' all for a couple o' light country Molls as is afeard to foot it 'ome in the dark, curse 'em!" "She ain't no country Moll, Ben, leastways not 'er as I see a reg'lar 'igh-stepper all the lady, Ben such eyes, ecod such a shape to 'er, Ben "

Ain't nothing to see but a lot o' molls and a lot of sucker guys. Them? Say, they never learn no better. Tough guys ain't no different from soft guys, see? They all fall for the dames just as hard and just as worse. There's many a good guy in this place that's been gave a tumble by them, see? "There, I got an idee he'd blow in tonight. He ain't missed a Saturday night for months.

"First they shut down the nursery " "Then the rest room said it was a bad example for the men " "A bad example for the men, mind you us!" "And then the canteen was closed " "And behind our backs, they called us 'Molls." "Not that I care, but 'Molls, mind you " "Then they began hanging signs in our locker room " "'A woman's place is in the home' and things like that "

All thought of her, in fact, had passed from his preoccupied mind. He was once more intent on his own grim ends. He was debating with himself just how he was to get in through that lodging-house window and what his final move would be for the round up of his enemy. He had made use of too many "molls" in his time to waste useless thought on what they might say or do or desire.

Pathetic still, but the vernacular of the underworld where men called their women by no more gracious names than "molls" and "skirts" no longer strange to her ears, there came to her again now the Bussard's words in which he had paid her tribute on that morning long ago, and with which he had introduced her to a shrunken form that lay upon a dirty cot in the barefloored room: "Meet de moll I was tellin' youse about, Mag.

"Dey say," said Gypsy Nan slowly, "dat youse knows more on de inside here dan anybody else t'ings youse got from de spacers' molls, an' from de dips demselves when youse was lendin' dem a hand; dey say dere ain't many youse couldn't send up de river just by liftin' yer finger, but dat youse're straight, an' dat youse've kept yer map closed, an' dat youse' re safe."

These young bucks, bank clerks, merchants, flaneurs who would not disdain a sailor's wife; blowsy Molls, ready to fall down in the first doorway for a glass of beer! What sirens! The place at their side still warm from the last night's embrace of a watch-man or a stable-boy! The throne always vacant, always open to newcomers! Pray, mount!

"That venerable priest wants to sit down; send out a chair for him," said he. And so Bibi-Lupin's plot had failed. Trompe-la-Mort, like a Napoleon recognized by his soldiers, had won the submission and respect of the three felons. Two words had done it. Your molls and your blunt your women and your money epitomizing every true affection of man.

Don't know me, Nanty parnarly, and soap me down for a priest, or I will do for you all, you and your molls and your blunt." "What, do you funk our blabbing?" said Fil-de-Soie. "Have you come to help your boy to guy?" "Theodore!" said Jacques Collin, repressing a start and a cry. "They will have his nut off," la Pouraille went on; "he was booked for the scaffold two months ago."

Jim O'Neil was a good-looker, and the Molls buzzed round him like bees round a honey pot. My sister was one of them and I'll say him fair Jim O'Neil never raised his hand to her. "But after the boy come he got restless. Said it was no life for a kid. Went off finally to Klondike, or somewhere to make his fortune. Never heard of him since.