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"She sez you had 'em in your power once and could made a sample on 'em but didn't, and so, sez she, I've got to live on codfish, and the flour trust is bringin' up flour so Id'no but I'll have to eat saw-dust bread. You remember them powerful metafors in the Auger. I wanted to explain all this and I also had some errents of my own."

Instinctively I looked round. The speaker weighed three hundred pounds if he did an ounce, and the idee of his bein' turned into a fly seemed to bring down my soarin' emotions more than considerable. Truly, we ort to be careful how we handle metafors. If he'd said he wanted to be changed into a elephant or a camel, or even a horse, it wouldn't have seemed so curious, but a fly!!! Dear me!

And then she went on to draw up metafors, and haul in illustrations, comparin' married life and single jest as likely metafors as I ever see, and as good illustrations as wuz ever brung up, only they every one of 'em had this fault when she got to drawin' 'em, she drawed 'em too fur. And though she brought the school-house down, she didn't convince me.

Look at the neat grammaticle twist of Lady Arundel's spitch, too, who, in the corse of three lines, has made her son a prince, a lion, with a sword and coronal, and a star. Why jumble and sheak up metafors in this way?

Why, I had a fearful time, time and agin, a-arguin' and a-disputin' with myself, and a-carryin' metafors back and forth, and a-eppisodin', when nobody wuz round. And as I couldn't seem to come to any clear decision myself, a-disputin' with jest my own self, I didn't spoze so many different minds would become simultanous and agreed.

And then she went on to draw up metafors, and haul in illustrations, comparin' married life and single jest as likely metafors as I ever see, and as good illustrations as wuz ever brung up, only they every one of 'em had this fault when she got to drawin' 'em, she drawed 'em too fur. And though she brought the school-house down, she didn't convince me.