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Souakim, Massowa, Danakil, Somauli, Kordofan. H. ensicornis, Ehr. Arab. Ouahoh el bagr. Nubie, Berber, Kordofan. H. Addax, Licht. Arab. Akach. G. TAUROTRAGUS, Wagn. T. Orcas, Pall. Djenke, Goualgonal. Bahr el Abiad. T. gigas, nov. spec. Chez les pleuplades Atoats, au Bahr el Abiad. H. TRAGELAPHUS, Blains. Arab. Nellet, Miremreh. Tigreh, Garona. Ambar. Agazen.

Nubie, Taka, Sennaar, Kordofan. G. spec. G. Dama,* Licht. Arab. Adra, Ledra. Riel, Bajouda, Berber, Sennaar, Kordofan. G. Soemmeringii, Rupp. Arab. Om Oreba. Tigreh, Arab. Taka, Massowa, Gedaref, Berber, Sennaar. G. Leptoceros. Arab. Abou Harab. Gazelle a longues cornes, minces et paralleles. Bajouda, Berber, Taka, Sennaar, Kordofan. B. CALOTRAGUS, Luad. C. montanus,* Rupp. Arab. Otrab and El Mor.

Nor was the land torn only by internal struggles. Its frontiers were threatened. On the east the tremendous power of Abyssinia loomed terrible and menacing. There was war in the north with Egypt and around Suakin with England. The Italians must be confronted from the direction of Massowa. Far to the south Emin Pasha still maintained a troublesome resistance.

This and other circumstances greatly excited his anger; at the same time, he suspected that the English were disposed to assist the Egyptians, who he thought purposed invading his country. The English Government, desirous of cultivating friendly relations with Abyssinia, had appointed Captain Cameron as consul to that country. He was stationed at Massowa, on the shores of the Red Sea.

The convenient situation of Kassala almost equally distant from Omdurman, Berber, Suakin, Massowa, and Rosaires and the fertility of the surrounding region raise it to the dignity of the most important place in the Eastern Soudan. The soil is rich; the climate, except in the rainy season, not unhealthy.