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The Addax is a large, heavily-formed antelope, with spiral horns and ox-like appearance, inhabiting the greater part of the Central African region. It frequents sandy plains, and is noted for its broad hoofs, which seem designed to prevent it from sinking in the soft yielding sand of the desert. The addax is not gregarious, living in pairs or families.

Grouped together in two or three cases, are the sable and other antelopes from the Cape of Good Hope; the algazelle, and the addax and its young from North Africa; the sing-sing, and the koba from Western Africa; the sassaybi; the chamois of the Alps the subject of many a stirring mountain song; the goats of North Africa; the strange Siberian ibex; the grue and gorgon from the Cape; varieties of the domestic goat, and the beautiful Cashmere goat.

Souakim, Massowa, Danakil, Somauli, Kordofan. H. ensicornis, Ehr. Arab. Ouahoh el bagr. Nubie, Berber, Kordofan. H. Addax, Licht. Arab. Akach. G. TAUROTRAGUS, Wagn. T. Orcas, Pall. Djenke, Goualgonal. Bahr el Abiad. T. gigas, nov. spec. Chez les pleuplades Atoats, au Bahr el Abiad. H. TRAGELAPHUS, Blains. Arab. Nellet, Miremreh. Tigreh, Garona. Ambar. Agazen.

The Sahara is little known, chiefly because the oases in the centre are occupied by intensely hostile and warlike tribes, whose animosity is chiefly directed towards the French, whom they hate with a deadly hatred. But the edges of the great desert have been visited, and on the northern limits two animals are found the addax antelope, and Loder's gazelle.

The wide-spread hoofs of the addax antelope enable it to travel over sand at a great pace. It is a large and ungainly beast with spiral horns. Probably it follows in the wake of the rains wherever they go; but what happens to it in the dry season is unknown.