United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Mas'rs' hoss wants rubben down; see how he splashed hisself; and Jerry limps too; don't think Missis would be willin' to have us start dis yer way, no how. Lord bless you, Mas'r, we can ketch up, if we do stop. Lizy never was no great of a walker." Mrs. Shelby, who, greatly to her amusement, had overheard this conversation from the verandah, now resolved to do her part.

'Two coves in vhite aprons touches their hats ven you walk in "Licence, Sir, licence?" Queer sort, them, and their mas'rs, too, sir Old Bailey Proctors and no mistake. 'What do they do? inquired the gentleman. 'Do! You, Sir! That ain't the worst on it, neither. They puts things into old gen'l'm'n's heads as they never dreamed of. My father, Sir, wos a coachman.

"Mas'r Gano went back to Texas to take up a child he had buried there. The boat blowed up, and he came nigh gittin' drowned. "One time I wus out in Mas'rs wheat field. I would get the wheat heads and make chewin' wax. I told missis I want to go up to Bryantsville to see my mammy. Mas'r took me in about a week. "Up at Miss Jennie West's house they had an ole icehouse.

Mas'rs is used to havin' all these yer things done for 'em, and nat'lly they don't think so much on 't. They can't be spected to, no way. Set him 'longside of other Mas'rs who's had the treatment and livin' I've had? And he never would have let this yer come on me, if he could have seed it aforehand. I know he wouldn't."

He finally brought out one of the few really impressive appeals for the American flag that I have ever heard. "Our mas'rs dey hab lib under de flag, dey got dere wealth under it, and ebryting beautiful for dere chilen. Under it dey hab grind us up, and put us in dere pocket for money.

With eager and obsequious "Yes, Mas'rs" they obeyed the overseer's objurgatory indications as to their disposition. There next arose above the landing the head of a white man a countenance of sullen ferocity, with a great scar running across it, and framed in elf locks of staring red.