United States or Svalbard and Jan Mayen ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It has lanceolate leaves that are glutinous above, and thickly covered with a whitish tomentum on the under sides, and large and showy vhite flowers with a conspicuous purple blotch at the base of each petal. Unless in southern and western England, but particularly on the sea-coast, this handsome Portuguese shrub is not to be depended on, in so far as hardihood is concerned.

Some casual remark induced me to put in "Vell, I might s'pose an Injin voult cut so das column, but I might not s'pose a vhite man could." This opinion gave the discourse a direction towards anti-rentism, and in a few minutes it caught all the attention of my uncle Ro and myself. "This business is going ahead after all!" observed Hubbard, evasively, after others had had their say.

You're a Jarman, and can't like aristocrats, and so I'll trust you; though, if you do betray me, you'll never play on another bit of music in this country, or any other! If you want to be an Injin, as good an opportunity will offer to-morrow as ever fell in a man's way!" "An Injin! Vhat goot vill it do to be an Injin? I dought it might be better to be a vhite man, in America?" "Oh!

Nefer py vhite man vitness, you schall say, pefore fife unt seex yare pass-gone, unt by pushmen diminutive nomber unt platty few altogedder. Bot der localisation-topography unt der route you schall py der map mit you gross magnanimity indicate, unt Gott pless! Tousand pig tank you, Mr. Tongcollin! For von trifle-moment, you ver munificent reprieve"

"In a carriage, at mitnight, in de forest of Fincennes." "Describe her," said de Marsay. "A vhite gaze hat, a rose gown, a vhite scharf, a vhite feil a face just out of de Biple. Eyes like Feuer, an Eastern color " "You were dreaming," said Lucien, with a smile. "Dat is true; I vas shleeping like a pig a pig mit his shkin full," he added, "for I vas on my vay home from tinner at mine friend's "

'Two coves in vhite aprons touches their hats ven you walk in "Licence, Sir, licence?" Queer sort, them, and their mas'rs, too, sir Old Bailey Proctors and no mistake. 'What do they do? inquired the gentleman. 'Do! You, Sir! That ain't the worst on it, neither. They puts things into old gen'l'm'n's heads as they never dreamed of. My father, Sir, wos a coachman.