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When he was in the cart, first he commended his spirit into God's Hands, saying In manus tuas, etc.; then he besought all Catholics that were present to pray for him; I saw a good many who signed themselves in the crowd; and then he said some prayers in Latin; with the psalms Miserere and De Profundis.

Or give this powder in broth: "Take red coral, a drachm; half a drachm precious stones; red sander, half a drachm; bole, a drachm; scaled earth and tormental roots, each two scruples, with sugar of roses and Manus Christi; with pearl, five drachms; make a powder."

As to marriage, the affianced pair could at that time choose between two different legal family régimes: marriage with manus, the older form, in which all the goods of the wife passed to the ownership of the husband, so that she could no longer possess anything in her own name; or marriage without manus, in which only the dower became the property of the husband, and the wife remained mistress of all her other belongings and all that she might acquire.

His last words were, "In manus tuas Domine, commendo spiritum meum:" Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. His body was deposited in the convent of St. Francisco, and his obsequies were celebrated with funereal pomp at Valladolid, in the parochial church of Santa Maria de la Antigua.

History has, indeed, transmitted to us some of the customs of the Numidians, who were by turns, the enemies, and the allies of the Romans; but it has not condescended to draw their portrait. Juvenal somewhere speaks of the withered hands of the Moors: manus ossea Mauri. But, besides, that this is general in hot countries, this description may be understood of ill-fed slaves.

In the conventional way of handling nature, the eye is not on the object; what that means we all know, we have only to think of our eighteenth-century poetry: "As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night " to call up any number of instances. Latin poetry supplies plenty of instances too; if we put this from Propertius's Hylas: "... manus heroum ... Mollia composita litora fronde tegit "

The boy, who was not used to be roughly handled, even in jest, cried out that he was sorely hurt, and went home with his foster brothers and told his tale to his mother. The wife of Iarlaid grew white and angry as she listened, and thrusting her son aside, sought the council hall where Iarlaid was sitting. 'Manus has driven a ball at my son, and fain would have slain him, said she.

Non refert auctor fuerit, factorve malorum. Anne opera in vitium sceleris pulcherrima verti, Cum possit prohibere, sinat; quod si velit omnes Innocuos agere Omnipotens, ne sancta voluntas Degeneret, facto nec se manus inquinet ullo? Condidit ergo malum Dominus, quod spectat ab alto, Et patitur fierique probat, tanquam ipse crearit.

So Manus slept, and by-and-by a voice sounded in his ears, saying: 'Arise! And he saw a ship in the water beneath him, and in the ship sat the lion cup in the shape of the pilot. Then they sailed away through the fog, and none saw them; and they reached the land of Lochlann, and the lion cub with the chain round his neck sprang from the ship and Manus followed after.

It had been death by the LI. Æihelredi, sub fine. By those of H. 1. 'Si quis cum falso deuario inventus fueril fiat justitia mea, saltern de dextro pugno et de testiculis. Anno 1108. 'Opera prelium vero est audire quam severus rex fuerit in pravos. Monetarios enim fere omnes totius Angliee fecit ementulari, et manus dextras abscindi, quia monetam furtive corruperant. Wilkins ib. et anno 1125.