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The mountain arm running S., and ultimately bending E., forms a large incomplete hook-shaped formation terminating at a ring-plain, Jansen B. The ridges in the Mare Tranquilitatis between Jansen B. and the region E. of Maskelyne display under a low sun foldings and wrinklings of a very extraordinary kind. MACLEAR. A conspicuous ring-plain about 16 miles in diameter.

We found the Upper Shire from nine to fifteen feet in depth; but skirting the western side of the lake about a mile from the shore the water deepened from nine to fifteen fathoms; then, as we rounded the grand mountainous promontory, which we named Cape Maclear, after our excellent friend the Astronomer Royal at the Cape of Good Hope, we could get no bottom with our lead-line of thirty-five fathoms.

Description of the people and country on the west of the Lake. The Kanthundas. Kauma. Iron-smelting. An African Sir Colin Campbell. Milandos. 21st September, 1866. We marched westwards, making across the base of Cape Maclear.

It was pronounced by Mr. Maclear to equal most chronometers in performance. For these excellent instruments I have much pleasure in recording my obligations to my good friend Colonel Steele, and at the same time to Mr. Maclear for much of my ability to use them.

MacLear, we may even now look to God for what we ought to say, as confidently as if, like the early Christians, we stood accused before the magistrates?" "I div that, Maister Jeames!" answered the soutar. "Hide yersel in God, sir, and oot o' that secret place, secret and safe, speyk and fear naething. And never ye mint at speykin doon to your congregation.

They were repeated and enlarged in scope by Sir Thomas Maclear in 1841-48; and his determinations prepared the way for a complete survey of Cape Colony and Natal, executed during the ten years 1883-92 by Colonel Morris, R.E., under the direction of Sir David Gill.

After leaving Matunda, we came to the end of the highland valley; and, before descending a steep declivity of a thousand feet towards the part which may be called the heel of the Lake, we had the bold mountains of Cape Maclear on our right, with the blue water at their base, the hills of Tsenga in the distance in front, and Kirk's Range on our left, stretching away northwards, and apparently becoming lower.

My bairn's greitin, and I maun gang til 'im; it's seldom he cries oot!" The minister walked in at the open door of the kitchen, and met the eyes of the soutar expectant. "Ye're welcome, sir!" said MacLear, and returned his eyes to what he had for a moment interrupted. "I want you to make me a nice pair of boots, if you please," said the parson, as cheerily as he could.

Looking back to the southern end of Lake Nyassa, the arm from which the Shire flows was found to be about thirty miles long and from ten to twelve broad. Rounding Cape Maclear, and looking to the south-west, we have another arm, which stretches some eighteen miles southward, and is from six to twelve miles in breadth.

He caught up his hat, and with a flushed face went straight to the soutar where he sat at work. "I have come to ask you, Mr. MacLear, if you will give me your daughter to be my wife!" he said. "Ow, sae that's it!" returned the soutar, without raising his eyes. "You have no objection, I hope?" continued the minister, finding him silent. "What says she hersel? Ye comena to me first, I reckon!"