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He stood up suddenly, and with a new light in his eyes asked of Whimple, as though seeing him for the first time that day, how he liked the carriage and the doll. "Fine," said Whimple as heartily as he could, for his throat was lumpy and his heart was beating quickly. "I'm glad of that. Why, what's the matter, Tommy, you look as though you had been crying?"

The curtain had acted as a weather vane, the wind had hauled to the east. The sky, too, had dulled. Little lumpy clouds showed near the horizon line, and, sailing above these, hung a dirt spot of vapor, while aloft glowed some prismatic sundogs, shimmering like opals. Etched against the distance, with a tether line fastened to the spar buoy, lay the Susie Ann.

From time to time a great artist interests himself in designing and decorating a piano, but the rank and file, when they decide to build an extraordinary piano, achieve lumpy masses of wood covered with impossible nymphs and too-realistic flowers, pianos suggestive of thin and sentimental tunes, but never of music.

If they are allowed to become lumpy or marred they are useless for the trade and have to be melted over." "What are those men over there doing?" inquired Bob, pointing to a group of workmen who were stirring a seething mixture of nuts and molasses. "Some of them are making peanut brittle, some caramels; and in the last kettle I believe they are boiling hoarhound candy. See!

The steak was so tough that the little carving-knife would not cut it; the potato did not go round, and the squash was very lumpy; but the guests appeared politely unconscious of these trifles; and the master and mistress of the house cleared the table with appetites that anyone might envy them.

It was deep; and, far below, a thread of vegetation winding between the blazing rock faces resembled a slender green cord, in which three lumpy knots of banana patches, palm-leaf roots, and shady trees marked the Village One, Village Two, Village Three, housing the miners of the Gould Concession.

Withers' lumpy figure loomed up grotesquely against the yellow murk. "Is that you, Master Robert? You'd better run up quick. Your aunt is going to give you a jacketing, I can tell you." "Aunt" was the term with which Mrs. Withers covered up what she considered privately to be an ambiguous relationship. Robert slunk past her. He crawled upstairs with an aggressive deliberation.

Just as soon as the ground is dry enough to work in the spring, fork or plow again, breaking every lump and raking all smooth, so that the surface is as fine as the soil in a hot-bed. You cannot hope for much in heavy, lumpy ground. Sow at least three seeds to the inch in a shallow drill one inch deep, and spat the earth firmly over the seed with the back of a spade or with your hand.

He was very much aware of the snores of the sleepers as he pursued the idea that had flashed into his mind. "Say, Breck, have they opened up the meat-packs my dogs carried?" "A couple. I was watching. They put them in Harding's cache." "Did they find anything?" "Meat." "Good. You've got to get into the brown canvas pack that's patched with moosehide. You'll find a few pounds of lumpy gold.

I have also tried an experiment with the same tub, which consisted of covering the top of the wet swill with bran, which floated on the surface, and placing a bit of lumpy swill in the middle of the bran, in the hope that the Rat would jump on the bran in the expectation of getting at the swill in the middle. However, it did not do so, no doubt instinctively guided against the danger.