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Once more shrugging those expressive shoulders which seemed to have a language of their own, the gypsy said "Chicarona, you do not luf ze leedle pindarri. Zell 'er to ze Buzno. Ee eez made of gol'." As Baltasar uttered these words, he approached his wife and whispered something in her ear at which she started.

Luf him take keer on he own things; dat's what I say." Marcy was right when he told his mother that he would not be in season to assist in saving the captain's property.

Dear apostle uf luf!" a sentiment that brought out a general and spontaneous cheer. Mr. O'Royster, apparently under the impression that he was the object of these flattering attentions, bowed and smiled with the greatest cheerfulness and murmured something about this being the proudest moment of his life.

You trust me, sir, and just be kind to me. It kills me when you luf that false Elias." "Oh, that's all right," was the impatient answer. "I shall trust you for the future. Can't you talk of something else?" Then it dawned upon Iskender that his Honour did not like this talk of love.

Robert de Brunne, speaking of his Latin and French authorities, says: "Als thai haf wryten and sayd Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd, In symple speche as I couthe, That is lightest in manne's mouthe. Alle for the luf of symple men, That strange Inglis cannot ken." The "strange Inglis" being the language of the previous specimen.

Robert de Brunne, speaking of his Latin and French authorities, says: "Als thai haf wryten and sayd Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd, In symple speche as I couthe, That is lightest in manne's mouthe. Alle for the luf of symple men, That strange Inglis cannot ken." The "strange Inglis" being the language of the previous specimen.

"He meant to do it, den," said the old man. "Yes," said John. "Maybe Carlen vould not haf him, you tink?" "No," said John, hastily; "that is not possible." "I tought she luf him, an' he vould stay an' be her mann," sighed the disappointed father. "Now all dat is no more." "It will kill her," cried John. "No!" said the father. "Vimmins does not die so as dat. She feel pad maybe von year, maybe two.

He returned to his own case. "I luf you, sir, and neffer, neffer will deceif you more." "Oh, shut up, can't you?" said the Frank disgustedly; but presently, when they had taken leave of Mîtri and the brother of Azîz, he grasped Iskender's arm in friendly wise.

Here he flung himself upon his knees, and for the first time he caught the baby in his arms, holding her close to him, and rocking her to and fro, as he cried out sobbingly the words which she did not understand. "An' when I fin' heem an' kill heem, I will come back to you, my angel Melisse," he whispered. "And then you will luf Jan Thoreau for letting out the blood of a missioner!"

He said, "That's all right," and gave his hand to Iskender, who all at once beheld the beauty of the trees and sky, the wealth of crimson flowers above the sakieh. But when the suppliant pressed it to his lips, the Frank seemed angry, cried, "Don't be idiotic!" and glanced round him nervously. "I luf you, sir!" pursued Iskender passionately. "By God, I neffer tell you lies again.