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Thus 'lierre, ivy, was written by Ronsard, 'l'hierre, which is correct, being the Latin 'hedera. 'Lingot' is our 'ingot, but with fusion of the article; in 'larigot' and 'loriot' the word and the article have in the same manner grown together. In old French it was l'endemain, or, le jour en demain: 'le lendemain, as now written, is a barbarous excess of expression.

In the Travels of Monconis the story is told in the following manner: "A merchant of Lubeck, who carried on but little trade, but who knew how to change lead into very good gold, gave the King of Sweden a lingot which he had made, weighing, at least, one hundred pounds.

He promised to give me one of them, in a long conversation which I had with him the other day, by order of the Bishop of Sends, who saw his operations with his own eyes, and detailed all the circumstances to me. "The Baron and Baroness de Rheinwald showed me a lingot of gold made out of pewter before their eyes by M. Delisle.

Sometimes he employs the oil and powder mixed, sometimes the powder only, but in so small a quantity that, when the lingot which I made was rubbed all over with it, it did not show at all." This soft-headed priest was by no means the only person in the neighbourhood who lost his wits in hopes of the boundless wealth held out by this clever impostor.