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Non fuit elegantia illud aut cura, sed studiosa luxuria. Immo ne studiosa quidem: quoniam non in studium, sed in spectaculum comparaverant: sicut plerisque, ignaris etiam servilium literarum libri non studiorum instrumenta, sed coenationum ornamenta sunt. Paretur itaque librorum quantum satis sit, nihil in apparatum.

And now the singular strength of the Republic and the perfection of the machine of government was evidenced, as, without a moment of indecision, the officers proceeded to discharge the duty allotted to the hour, according to the forms prescribed in those endless volumes of the "Libri Ceremoniali," which provided for every function of life or death of the punctilious Venetian court.

Lyon, Etienne Dolet, 1540, in-4. Stephani Doleti Carminum, Libri IV. Lugduni, 1538, in-4. Brief Discours de la republique francoyse, desirant la lecture des livres de l'Ecriture saincte luy estre loisable en sa langue vulgaire. Etienne Dolet, 1544, in-16. La fontaine de vie, in-16.

So of these you may well affirm Non libri sed liberi; children now, adopted into the circle, they shall be trafficked in never again. There is one exception which has sadly to be made one class of men, of whom I would fain, if possible, have avoided mention, who are strangers to any such scruples.

He also thought of changing the name of the work to De Motu Corporum Libri Duo, but upon second thoughts, he retained the original title, remarking, as he wrote to Halley, "It will help the sale of the book, which I ought not to diminish, now it is yours," a sentence which shows conclusively, if further proof were necessary, that Halley had assumed the responsibility of its publication.

The young fish and the eggs are enclosed and in a covering, as are the eggs and young of birds. The enormous De Animalibus of Albert of Cologne is now available in an edition by H. Stadler, Albertus Magnus De Animalibus Libri XXVI nach der cölner Urschrift, 2 vols., Münster i/W., 1916-21. The quotation is translated from vol. i, pp. 465-6.

In 1535 he delivered as Plat lecturer his address, the Encomium Geometriæ, which he followed up shortly after by the publication of a work, Quindecim Libri Novæ Geometriæ.

Since, therefore, there came to him from every quarter books to illuminate a work in which he was most excellent he was known by no other surname than that of "Dai Libri"; and he executed great numbers of them, for the reason that whoever went to the expense of having them written, which was very great, wished also to have them adorned as much as was possible with illuminations.

If a man is not absolutely below mediocrity let him be thankful besides, the books will have to stand by themselves some day, so the sooner they begin the better." I spoke to his publisher about him not long since. "Mr Pontifex," he said, "is a homo unius libri, but it doesn't do to tell him so."

He was of the order of the Jesuits, studied at Rome and Paris, and then retired to the house of the Jesuits at Toledo, where he devoted himself to his writings. His most important work was his Historiae de rebus Hispaniae libri xxx., published at Toledo 1592-95.