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Macbeth is a black hoss, 'n' I never believed till then a hunter could romp that fast. He was three len'ths ahead of the field at the first fence, with Rainbow right at his necktie. They gets so far ahead, nobody sees the other starters from the second fence on. Mr. Van rides just like I tells him, 'n' lets the black hoss make the pace. Man! that hunter did run!

But the black hoss has a good six len'ths 'n' now two hundred yards to go. "'He'll never reach . . . I says out loud. 'He'll never reach . . . "Then Rainbow begins his stretch-run with the blood comin' out of his knees, 'n' while he's a tired hoss, a gamer one never looks through a bridle.

"'He wins sure as hell! I hollers. "'Oh, will he? says a voice. I looks up 'n' there's Miss Livingston sittin' on her hoss, her fists doubled up 'n' her face whiter'n chalk. "About ten len'ths from the finish Rainbow gets to the black 'n' they look each other in the eye. But them long jumps of the thoroughbred breaks the hunter's heart, 'n' Rainbow comes away, 'n' wins by a len'th. . . .

He breaks fifth at the get-away, but he just mows them dogs down. Sweeney keeps thinkin' about that hundred, I guess, 'cause he rode the bird all the way, 'n' finished a million len'ths in front. "I cashes my ticket, 'n' starts fur the barn to sleep with that bird, when here comes Joe Nickel. "'He run a nice race, he says, grinnin', 'n' hands me six hundred bucks. "What's this fur? I says.

When they had gone a few yards in silence he suddenly said musingly "I dunno why he wouldn't have as good a right to be bringin' her anythin' she had a fancy for off the bog in a pitaty-creel, as me to be buyin' her len'ths of hijis-coloured ribbons to make a show of herself wid. But all the same, I'd as lief he'd let it alone.

One day Mrs. Costello called the three girls to her sewing-room, where a brisk young woman was smoothing lengths of snowy lawn on the long table. "These are your dresses, girls," said the matron. "Let Miss Curry get the len'ths and neck measures. And look, here's the embroidery I got. Won't that make up pretty? The waists will be all insertion, pretty near."

"Tam Crann never sets ee upo' me, but he misca's me, an' I dinna like to be misca'd, mair nor ither fowk." "Ye get nae mair nor ye deserve, I doobt," returned George. "Here, tak the chisel, and cut that beadin' into len'ths." "I'm gaein' ower the water to speir efter Alec," was the excusatory rejoinder. "Ay, ay! pot and pan! What ails Alec noo?" "Mr Malison's nearhan' killed him.

I see he's all shot to pieces behind, 'n' he's stoppin' fast. I'm standin' at the inner rail ten len'ths from the wire, 'n' the Elephant colt gets to Hamilton right in front of me. "'I gotcha, jock! yells the boy on the Elephant. "'They don't pay off here, says Micky, 'n' sticks the lines in his face.

"I don't want the bird whipped when he ain't got a chance. "'This hoss backs up if you use the bat on him, I says to the jock, as he's tyin' his reins. "'He backs up anyway, I guess, he says, as the parade starts. "The bird gets away good, but I'd overdone the lead in his socks. He finished a nasty last thirty len'ths back. "'Roll over, kid! says the jock, when I go up to slip him his fee.

That ole hound comes down the stretch a-rompin', his ears flick-flackin' 'n' a smile on his face. He wins by five len'ths 'n' busts the track record fur the distance a quarter of a second. "Then it begins to get brisk around there. I figger to have Alcyfras all warmed up outside the fence the day Friendless wins. After the race I'd put him in the stall 'n' send Friendless out the gate.