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It is then that we cry out to God for mercy; then when our selves can no longer exercise cruelty to others; and it is only then, that we are strucken through the soul with this terrible sentence, "That God will not be mocked." For if according to St. "O quam multi," saith a reverend father, "cum hac spe ad aeternos labores et bella descendunt!"

'The sweet vicissitudes of day and night. The following elegant version of these lines by Mr. A. T. Barton, Fellow and Tutor of Johnson's own College, will please the classical reader: Musa levat duros, quamvis rudis ore, labores; Inter opus cantat rustica Pyrrha suum; Nec meminit, secura rotam dum versat euntem, Non aliter nostris sortibus ire vices. He was the brother of the Rev.

Anne censes, ut de me ipse aliquid more senum glorier, me tantos labores diurnos nocturnosque domi militiaeque suscepturum fuisse, si isdem finibus gloriam meam quibus vitam essem terminaturus? Nonne melius multo fuisset otiosam et quietam aetatem sine ullo labore et contentione traducere?

The second in the Georgics: "Si non tanta quies iret frigusque caloremque Inter:" Georg. And shortly after, "Pagos et compita circum:" Ib. 382; And the third in the Aeneid: "Duros mille labores Rege sub Eurystheo, fatis Junonis iniquae, Pertulerit:" Aen.

Every Christian knows that apostolic work is rough work; the brunt of the battle must be borne by the earliest in the field, that it may be said of their successors in the words of the Gospel: "Vos in labores eorum introistis." Such being the hard lot of the immigrants in the interior of the country, was that of those who remained in the cities much more enviable?