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Skaggs did not tell him that, now that the Universe had done its work, it demanded the right to crow to its heart's satisfaction. He said only, "You want to see your wife, of course?" Berry had forgotten Fannie, and for the first time his heart thrilled within him at the thought of seeing her again. "I ain't hyeahed f'om my people fu' a long time. I did n't know what had become of 'em.

"We have been puhmitted to see de man who was intrusted wid de guidance of dis flock a-sleepin' in de houah of duty, an' we feels grieved ter-night." "He sholy were asleep," sister Hannah Johnson broke in, "dey ain't no way to 'spute dat, dat man sholy were asleep." "I kin testify to it," said another sister, "I p'intly did hyeah him sno', an' I hyeahed him sno't w'en he waked up."

"I think," the proprietor resumed, "that I hyeahed you say you was n't fond o' grape pickin'. Well, Josy, my son, I would n't begin it now, 'specially as anothah kin' o' pickin' seems to run in yo' fambly." Joe Hamilton never knew how he got out of that shop.

"Oh, I I I don't know," answered the young girl, blushing furiously, "I I stopped to talk." "Why dey ain no one in de house to talk to. I hyeahed you w'en you come home. You have been a powahful time sence you come in. Whut meks you so red?" Then a look of intelligence came into mammy's fat face, "Oomph," she said. "Oh mammy, don't look that way, I couldn't help it. Bartley Mr.

Isaac linked his arm familiarly in his pastor's as they went out upon the street. "Well, what you t'ink erbout pre-o'dination an' fo'-destination any how?" "It sutny has been pussented to us in a powahful light dis eve'nin'." "Well, suh, hit opened up my eyes. I do' know when I's hyeahed a sehmon dat done my soul mo' good." "It was a upliftin' episode."

Well, I lef' him, an' Norf I come, 'dough it jes' nigh broke my hea't, fu' I sho did love dat black man. De las' thing I hyeahed o' him, he had des learned to read an' write an' wah runnin' fu' de Legislater 'twell de Klu Klux got aftah him; den I think he 'signed de nomernation." This was Martha's story, and the reason that there was no Mr.