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With such a book as one's only support it was clearly of the highest importance to be good at etymology; with ouis, for instance, not to be troubled by Priscian's fanciful derivation from the Greek, but to know that it came from offero, and was therefore to be found under fero; or again to look for hirundo under aer.

As in England, this bird constructs under the eaves of roofs its nest of mud lined with feathers. Not unlike the common swallow, but readily distinguishable from it in that the lower back is chestnut red, is Hirundo nepalensis Hodgson's striated swallow, or the red-rumped swallow, as Jerdon well called it. This bird also breeds under eaves.

Professor Ansted included the Swift in his list, but oddly enough, considering the remark of Mr. Gallienne above quoted, marks it as only occurring in Guernsey. There is no specimen at present in the Museum. SWALLOW, Hirundo rustica, Linnaeus. French, "Hirondelle de Cheminée."

MR. STANLEY. "Java produces, in great abundance, the Hirundo esculenta, a species of swallow, whose nests are used as an article of luxurious food among the Chinese. This nest has the shape of a common swallow's nest, and the appearance of ill-connected isinglass. The bird always builds in the caves of the rocks, at a distance from any human dwelling.

If memory serves, one of the genera had the specific title of HIRUNDO, founded on the faith that the swift, by flying over the sea-slug exposed by receding tide, and vexing it by jeers, caused it to exude glutinous threads which the swift seized and bore away to its cave to be consolidated and moulded into a nest.

This is the only sparrow found at Darjeeling. It has the habits of the house-sparrow. The sexes are alike in appearance. The head is chestnut and the cheeks are white. There is a black patch under the eye, and the chin and throat are black. The remainder of the plumage is very like that of the house-sparrow. Hirundo rustica. The common swallow. Hirundo nepalensis. Hodgson's striated swallow.

Perhaps there are letters from you in Cleveland Court; I shall send to Sir Wm. to enquire. The great event at Almack's is that Scott has left off play; he is, I suppose, the plena cruons hirundo. I am not quite satisfied that Sir J. Lambert is punctual in forwarding my letters; pray let me know it.

"Sunt etiam volucrum," said Tom, very slowly, as if the next words might be expected to come sooner when he gave them this strong hint that they were waited for. "C, e, u," said Maggie, getting impatient. "Oh, I know hold your tongue," said Tom. "Ceu passer, hirundo; Ferarum ferarum " Tom took his pencil and made several hard dots with it on his book-cover "ferarum "

Astur approximans, VIG. and HORSF. Novae-Hollandiae, VIG. and HORSF.? Accipiter torquatus, VIG. and HORSF. Buteo melanosternon, GOULD. Milvus isurus, GOULD. affinis, GOULD. Elanus axillaris. scripta, GOULD. Circus assimilis, JARD. Jardinii, GOULD. Strix personata, VIG. delicatulis, GOULD. Athene connivens. Boobook Hirundo neoxena, GOULD. Cotyle pyrrhonota. Acanthylis caudacuta.

I invite naturalists to examine whether other flying-fish, for instance the Exocoetus exiliens, the Trigla volitans, amid the T. hirundo, have as capacious an air-bladder as the flying-fish of the tropics. This last follows the heated waters of the Gulf-stream when they flow northward.