United States or Switzerland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Enjoyed the fun," was the answer, "and you gave me a free passage to Winnipeg. I didn't do it for that reason, but if you like to leave the disposal of those beasts to Ross & Grant, highest-class salesmen, promptest settlements, etc., I shall be pleased to trade with you. Sorry to intrude business, but after all I'm a drummer, and one must earn one's bread and butter see?"

The Ledger is the highest-class newspaper in New York. We are the Elect!" In his first revulsion of anger, Banneker was for going to Mr. Greenough and having it out with him. If it meant his resignation, very good. He was ready to look his job in the eye and tell it to go to hell. Turning the matter over in his mind, however, he decided upon another course.

It is only the biggest and most barefaced scheme that under these conditions can receive any attention whatsoever from the department, and even then its force is hopelessly inadequate and incompetent for the work in hand, work requiring the highest-class detective ability.

Since I have been in the East, I have consulted you and your science of the stars, in every intended step, and your warnings have never failed." "Chaldean" astrologers played an almost incredibly important part among even the highest-class Romans of the period.

"But it isn't the highest-class practise and they ought to pay well." "What do you call well?" inquired Mr. Tutt. "Oh, a thousand dollars down, a couple more if he's convicted, and five altogether if he's acquitted." "Do you think they can raise that amount of money?" "I think so," answered Tutt.