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There were two or three acquaintances of yours watching the mail boat next day on the chance of finding you." "Herbst, I suppose, and the other squarehead from the hotel what was his name? oh, Heine, and that uncleanly Greek tailor. They were a dull lot, and I've forgotten them long ago. Tell me about yourself. Where have you been?"

She has not, like her sister May in Germany, been transformed to a verb and made a synonyme for joy, "Deine Seele maiet den trüben Herbst" but April was believed in early ages to have been the birth-time of the world.

Autumni ignorantur. See Duebner in loc. Still such words as Haerfest, Herpist, Harfst, Herbst, in other Teutonic dialects, apply to the autumnal season, and not, like our word harvest, merely to the fruits of it. XXVII. Funera, proprie de toto apparatu sepulturae. E. Funeral rites were performed with great pomp and extravagance at Rome; cf. Fiske's Man., Sec. 340; see also Mur. in loco, and Beck.

Among the prisoners captured by the British forces at Colesburg were three Boer women who wore men's clothing, but it was not until after they had been confined in the prison-ship at Cape Town for several weeks that their sex was discovered. A real little Boertje was Helena Herbst Wagner, of Zeerust, who spent five months in the laagers and in the trenches without her identity being revealed.

In the course of a reading-exercise in which the word Herbst, autumn, chanced to attract attention, Professor William Mackenzie asked him if he could explain what autumn was. "It is the time when there are apples," Rolf replied. On the same occasion, the same professor, without knowing what it represented, held out to him a card marked with red and blue squares: "What's this?"

Goward gravitated over to where I sat in the big bay-window behind the piano; he had that "be-good-to-me,-won't-you?" air that I know so well! Then we got to talking and listening in between whiles he knows lots of girls in the Art League till Peter began playing that heart-breaking "Im Herbst" from the Franz Songs, and then he said: "You're going to be my sister, aren't you?