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That which causes philosophers to be regarded half-distrustfully and half-mockingly, is not the oft-repeated discovery how innocent they are how often and easily they make mistakes and lose their way, in short, how childish and childlike they are, but that there is not enough honest dealing with them, whereas they all raise a loud and virtuous outcry when the problem of truthfulness is even hinted at in the remotest manner.

In reality you finished with Geoffrey when he decided to emigrate instead of selling the mine, didn't you?" Millicent flashed a swift glance at him, but he met it half-mockingly, and she turned her head away. "Why should you make yourself intolerable?" she returned. "I'm sorry for you that is, I want to be, if you will let me." Leslie shrugged his shoulders as he lit a cigar.

It was a crucial position for the doctor, but he played his part with the greatest dignity, while the Emir stood near as if in perfect confidence as to his friend's powers, and the son glanced at Frank with a malicious look in his dark eyes, which he turned directly half-mockingly at the Mullahs. The Hakim bowed haughtily to his Soudanese confreres, and then turned to the Sheikh.

He rose for the supper was finished and the company beginning to move and laid his hand for an instant on Calvert's broad young shoulder. "Mr. Calvert," he said, half-mockingly, half-seriously, "do not be too hard upon us! There are some excuses to be made. In your country all things are new your laws, your habits, your civilization are yet plastic. See that you mould them well!

I can't remember that I have wished for anything else for six years. She looked at him perplexed. Was his manner merely languid, or was it from him that the emotion she felt invading herself first started? She tried to shake it off. 'And I am just a bundle of wants, she said, half-mockingly.

To their relief, a girl's merry peal of laughter coming oddly enough from out the storm sounded in their ears; and a slight, quaint little figure stood in the road before them. "Oh, how you did jump!" she exclaimed, and laughed again, like some weird mite of a water-sprite, pleased to have frightened so sturdy a chap as Jack Harvey. "I won't hurt you," she continued, half-mockingly.

"Thy cave?" asked King. "Nay. God's! I am the caretaker!" "Allah, then, reward thee, brother!" answered King. "Allah give sight to thy blind eye! Allah give thee children! Allah give thee peace, aud to all thy house!" The guide salaamed, half-mockingly, half-wondering at such eloquence, pausing in the passage to point into the side-caves that debouched to either hand.

That night he slept on board his ship, which with characteristic flamboyance he had named La Foudre, and there on the following day he received a visit from Captain Blood, whom he greeted half-mockingly as his admiral.

"Yes," said the old fellow, bluntly; "she'd bear us and a load o' bricks if we had 'em." "And that's why you've kept her back," said Carey, half-mockingly, but with a choking sensation in his throat due to weakness perhaps. "I aren't going to say naught," said the old fellow, gruffly. "But you haven't polished her." "No; I aren't," said Bostock, and he began to gather up his tools.

"No lord of mine!" she replied gaily. "My lord must have a velvet robe, not frayed, and a sword not tin, and its most sanguinary purpose must not be to get between his legs and trip him up! Of course, when we act in barns " "In barns!" "Oh, yes, when we can find them to act in!" She glanced at him half-mockingly. "I suppose you think of a barn as only a place for a horse."