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It was not because he was afraid of scoldings and thwackings that he did not do these things more often, but because he had no playmates. He could not get on with other children. Even the little guttersnipes did not like playing with him, because he took every game too seriously, and struck too lustily.

I ses, 'What do you want with a book? and he ses, looking at the shelves so empty, 'I sees your sellin' off, he ses, so I jumped up to clip him over the 'ead, when he cut. Tray's his name, Debby, and he's the kid as talked to that cold gent Mr. Beecot brought along with him when he got smashed." "Tray that's a dog's name," said Deborah, "old dog Tray, and quite good enough for guttersnipes.

Remember Uncas! and Red jacket! and Hole in the Day! and Whoopdedoodledo! Emulate their achievements! Unfurl yourselves under my banner, noble savages, illustrious guttersnipes " "Down wid him!" "Scoop the blaggard!" "Burn him!" "Hang him!" "Dhround him!" It was the quickest operation that ever was.

London with her towers, her roofs and chimneys smoke and mist and haze weaving a web and then beneath it, humming, buzzing, turning, all the lives, all the comedies, all the tragedies Kings and princes, guttersnipes and duchesses, politicians and newsboys, criminals and saints Waiting, that golden top, for some hand to set it humming.

Granville Jones, the poorty preacher who puts his picture on his evangelical guttersnipes to show the people how a holy man of God looks after confessing to having forged a letter derogatory to a poor motherless working girl's reputation.

Nevertheless, quite a little of the prospect was spoiled for me by the thought of keeping company with those two Jerusalem guttersnipes. I would have remonstrated, only for conviction, born of experience, that passengers shouldn't try to run the ship. "What shall I pack?" I asked. "Nothing," Grim answered. "Stick a toothbrush in your pocket. I've got soap, but you'll have small chance to use it."

Remember Uncas! and Red jacket! and Hole in the Day! and Whoopdedoodledo! Emulate their achievements! Unfurl yourselves under my banner, noble savages, illustrious guttersnipes " "Down wid him!" "Scoop the blaggard!" "Burn him!" "Bang him!" "Dhround him!" It was the quickest operation that ever was.

"Some of 'em's bin 'ere since six this mornin'. Gawblimey, you'd think they was givin' awy prizes. I dunno wot the 'ell I come for. I jus' did, sort of!..." Some one standing by, turned to a recruiting sergeant and whispered something to him, pointing to the guttersnipes in the queue. "Fight!" said the recruiting sergeant. "Gawd love you, guv'nor, they'd fight 'ell's blazes, them chaps would!"

Now Master Michael, though absolutely deficient in education his class, a sort of aristocracy of guttersnipes, was so in the pre-Board-School fifties, was as sharp as a razor already even in the days of Dave Wardle's early accident, and had added a world of experience to his stock in the last few months.

But even among the real guttersnipes of the neighbourhood he was an outcast. He did not know how to play with other children. He was ignorant alike of their ways and their games, and, stiff with an agonizing shyness, he bore himself before them arrogantly. It was natural that they in turn hated him.