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Who knows how misfortune comes? It has come to Gahagan Gujputi!" "It is well," said I, stoutly, and in the Malay language. "Gahagan Gujputi will bear it like a man." "No doubt like a wise man and a brave one; but there is no lane so long to which there is not a turning, no night so black to which there comes not a morning.

Icy winter is followed by merry springtime grief is often succeeded by joy." "Interpret, O riddler!" said I; "Gahagan Khan is no reader of puzzles no prating mollah. Gujputi loves not words, but swords." "Listen then, O Gujputi: you are in Holkar's power." "I know it." "You will die by the most horrible tortures to-morrow morning." "I dare say."

"I went down, rightly conjecturing, as it turned out, that the party, whoever they might be, had no artillery; and received at the point of my sword a scroll of which the following is a translation. "'To Goliah Gahagan Gujputi. "'LORD OF ELEPHANTS, SIR, I have the honour to inform you that I arrived before this place at eight o'clock p.m. with ten thousand cavalry under my orders.

Bobbachy Bahawder has seen the dreadful Feringhee, Gahagan Khan Gujputi, the elephant-lord, whose sword reaps the harvest of death; there is but one champion who can wear the papooshes of the elephant-slayer it is Bobbachy Bahawder!" "You speak truly, Puneeree Muckun, the Bahawder ruminates on the words of the unbeliever: he is an ostrich, and hatches the eggs of his thoughts."

Two brace of pistols, a Malay creese, and a tulwar, sharp on both sides, and very nearly six feet in length, completed this elegant costume. On one flag were of course the arms of John Company; on the other, an image of myself bestriding a prostrate elephant, with the simple word 'GUJPUTI' written underneath in the Nagaree, Persian, and Sanscrit characters.

It is done I strain the last strain I make the last step I fling forward my precious burden into the gate opened wide to receive me and it, and I fall! The gate thunders to, and I am left on the outside! Fifty knives are gleaming before my bloodshot eyes fifty black hands are at my throat, when a voice exclaims, "Stop! kill him not, it is Gujputi!"

"Bismillah, mashallah, barikallah," said I; which means, "My good friend, what I have seen is not worth the trouble of relation, and fills my bosom with the darkest forebodings." "You could not then see the Gujputi alone, and stab him with your dagger?" Mashallah! I am told the soldiers who first get in are to have their pick.

Bobbachy Bahawder has seen the dreadful Feringhee, Gahagan Khan Gujputi, the elephant-lord, whose sword reaps the harvest of death; there is but one champion who can wear the papooshes of the elephant-slayer it is Bobbachy Bahawder!" "You speak truly, Puneeree Muckun, the Bahawder ruminates on the words of the unbeliever: he is an ostrich, and hatches the eggs of his thoughts."

Two brace of pistols, a Malay creese, and a tulwar, sharp on both sides, and very nearly six feet in length, completed this elegant costume. On one flag were of course the arms of John Company; on the other, an image of myself bestriding a prostrate elephant, with the simple word, 'Gujputi' written underneath in the Nagaree, Persian, and Sanscrit characters.

Taking a chillum myself, and raising about me such a cloud that, upon my honour as a gentleman, no man at three yards' distance could perceive anything of me except the pillar of smoke in which I was encompassed, I told Holkar, in Oriental language of course, the best tale I could with regard to the fort. Gujputi is an enchanter: he is leagued with devils; he is invulnerable.