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I ought, perhaps, before quitting this department, to recall the merits in this style of Uz, Denis, Gessner in the "Death of Abel" Jacobi, Gerstenberg, Hoelty, De Goeckingk, and several others, who all knew how to touch by ideas, and whose poems belong to the sentimental kind in the sense in which we have agreed to understand the word.

I ought, perhaps, before quitting this department, to recall the merits in this style of Uz, Denis, Gessner in the "Death of Abel" Jacobi, Gerstenberg, Hoelty, De Goeckingk, and several others, who all knew how to touch by ideas, and whose poems belong to the sentimental kind in the sense in which we have agreed to understand the word.

The poems of Goeckingk contain allusions to Sterne, to be sure partly indistinctive and insignificant, which, however, tend in the main to a ridicule of the Yorick cult and place their author ultimately among the satirical opponents of sentimentalism.

Doch lass’ ich, wenn mir’s Kurzweil schafft, Die Hülfe fleh’nden Armen Durch meinen Schweitzer, Peter Kraft, Zerprügeln ohn’ Erbarmen.” Goeckingk openly satirizes the sentimental cult in the poemDer Empfindsame