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"Yes; where they are well borne," said Colfavru. "Kératry bears them badly." "Nothing is greater," resumed Esquiros, "than great octogenarians." "It is glorious," added Chamiot, "to be presided over by Nestor." "No, by Gerontes," said Victor Hennequin. These words put an end to the debate. Kératry was thrown out.

Pere Cardot belonged to that race of lively Gerontes which is now disappearing rapidly, though it once served as Turcarets to the comedies and tales of the eighteenth century.

The two Commissaries of Police went to report their "success" to M. de Morny. M. de Morny said, "Now the struggle has begun. Excellent! These are the last Representatives who will be made prisoners." The Gerontes, or Gerontia, were the Elders of Sparta, who constituted the Senate.

I read thine eye, and I shall leave thee in peril." "Greater peril in the council of the Ephors and in the babbling lips of the hoary Gerontes, than amidst the meeting of armaments. Thou wilt take this letter to the Ephors. I have said in it but little; I have said that I confide my cause to thee.

Every one knows it. But from time to time new emergencies arise, the like of which we have never seen, and they frighten us. We must go to the Gerontes, the Old Men of the Tribe; they will perhaps remember what our fathers did.