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"We know now that it was by Tate forgin' your name and runnin' things underhanded that the town got into the scrape it did," Hiram went on. "Them bills had to be paid to keep outsiders slingin' slurs at us. You done just right. The town will have to meet and vote more money to pay the rest of the bills. But probably it won't come as hard as we think.

Then he started out forgin', and pushed it so hard the old man refused to make good any more. But he didn't want to see the kid go to the pen, and he's here. I got to keep my eye on him to see he don't break over." The sheriff stretched out when he had finished his cigar and went to sleep in a blanket provided by his host. He was up with dawn, ready to resume his journey.

I had that are bestowment ever since I was knee high or so; I'm a real complete hand at Ventriloquism; I can take off any man's voice I ever heerd to the very nines. If there was a law agin forgin that as there is for handwritin, I guess I should have been hanged long ago. I've had high goes with it many a time, but its plaguy dangersome, and I don't pracTISE it now but seldom.

"Come nearer the fire," said Alice, "and sit down; my father will be here presently. It is snowing again, is it not?" "It is, Ma’am a bitter storm." "Have you come far?" "It's a good bit, my lady it's more nor a mile beyant Carra just right forgin the ould big hill they call the Catchback; in Jemmy Morrison's woods where Pat M'Farren's clearing is it's there I live, my lady."

So they just shipped him by train back to Petersburg and jailed him I think it was for forgin' a note, but anyway it was to testify. We got over into town, and such a sight sloughs of people, wagons, carriages, street cars; sloughs of niggers an awful noise everywheres. Everybody in a hurry.

I had that 'ere bestowment ever since I was knee high or so; I'm a real complete hand at ventriloquism; I can take off any man's voice I ever heerd to the very nines. If there was a law agin forgin' that as there is for handwritin', I guess I should have been hanged long ago. I've had high goes with it many a time, but it's plaguy dangersome, and I don't pracTISE it now but seldom.

Do you suppose it's some cheap little show girl, or gettin' in liquor by express from over in New York State, or forgin' a check on account of gamblin' debts? I know how boys spend their time while they're gettin' educated, you can't tell me. Or maybe he hasn't passed some examination. He never was extra bright. Failed everything, probably.