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'quaedum Nimia pia fuit, facta est Impia' No. 47. Tuesday, April 24, 1711. Addison. 'Ride si sapis. Mart. Mr.

Even Leo X, who placed his glory in the fact, 'ut lingua latina nostro pontificatu dicatur facta auctior, was inclined to a liberal and not too exclusive Latinity, which, indeed, was in harmony with his pleasure-loving nature. He was satisfied if the Latin which he had to read and to hear was lively, elegant, and idiomatic.

Yet in this arbitrary way Dean Graves and all his coadjutors set aside, one by one, the texts which point at the date of the Pentateuch. I was possessed with indignation. Oh sham science! Oh false-named Theology! O mihi tam longæ maneat pars ultima vitæ, Spiritus et, quantum sat erit tua dicere facta!

The first of them I should not have published, were I not informed that there is many a Husband who suffers very much in his private Affairs by the indiscreet Zeal of such a Partner as is hereafter mentioned; to whom I may apply the barbarous Inscription quoted by the Bishop of Salisbury in his Travels; Dum nimia pia est, facta est impia.

How it was that Christianity was able, mediately, to generate the principle of honor, is a separate problem. But this is the true solution of that common casuistical question about duelling. 'Celebrare domestlca facta. HOR.

It is needless to trouble the reader with the various authorities for the above statements: I have consulted the best. The previous inscription once existing on the church itself: "Anno milleno transacto bisque trigeno Desuper undecimo fuit facta primo," But, at all events, before the close of the eleventh century the great consecration of the church took place.

This is the period of criticism, in which we do not examine the facta of reason, but reason itself, in the whole extent of its powers, and in regard to its capability of a priori cognition; and thus we determine not merely the empirical and ever-shifting bounds of our knowledge, but its necessary and eternal limits.

A still lower level of aim and attainment is shown in another work of the same date as that of Velleius, the nine books of historical anecdotes, Facta et Dicta Memorabilia, by Valerius Maximus, whose turgid and involved style is not redeemed by any originality of thought or treatment.

XIV. Cum ventum in aciem, turpe principi virtute vinci, turpe comitatui, virtutem principis non adaequare. Jam vero infame in omnem vitam ac probrosum, superstitem principi suo ex acie recessisse. Illum defendere, tueri, sua quoque fortia facta gloriae ejus assignare, praecipuum sacramentum est. Principes pro victoria pugnant; comites pro principe.

It is time to close; yet before I do so a few words of a personal character must be added, justified, I hope, by the occasion of this lecture. It is but right that a philologist should describe his end and the means to it in the short formula of a confession of faith; and let this be done in the saying of Seneca which I thus reverse "Philosophia facta est quæ philologia fuit."