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Perhaps he even might possess the qualifications of an exercise-boy; he had the build a stripling who possessed both sinew and muscle, but who looked fatty tissue. But the major well knew that it is one thing to qualify as an exercise-boy and quite another to toe the mark as a jockey.

He's quiet 'n' kind 'n' trustin'. Nothin' gets him excited, 'n' I begins to be afraid he'll be a sluggard. It don't take me long to see he won't do fur the sprints distance is what he likes. He's got a big swingin' gallop that sure fools me at first. He never seems to be tryin' a lick. When he's had two months prep. I has my exercise-boy let him down fur a full mile.

"'You an exercise-boy now? he asks Joe. "'Not yet, says Joe. 'Mu cousin here owns this trick, 'n' I'm givin' him a work. "'Up kind-a early, ain't you? Say! He's good, ain't he, Joe? says Izzy; 'n' looks at the bird close. "'Naw, he's a mutt, says Joe. "'What's he doin' with his mouth open at the end of that mile? Izzy says, 'n' laughs. "'He only runs it in fifty, says Joe, careless.

"'Why don't you go to school like you'd ought, Vincent? I says to Micky, when he shows up the next day. "'Aw, you go to hell! says Micky. 'Say, are you ever goin' to let me work one of yer dogs out in place of that smoke? he says, pointin' at Snowball, my exercise-boy. "'Who you callin' a smoke? says Snowball, startin' fur Micky. 'I'll slap the ugly I'ish mouth off you!

'Frien'less has a white foot on de off front laig and besides dat he has a rough-feeling scab on de belly whar he done rip hisself somehow befo' I gits him. Dis dawg am smooth as a possum. "That settles all arguments. You can't fool a swipe 'bout a hoss he's taken care of. He knows every hair on him. "One day I'm clockin' this Alcyfras while a exercise-boy sends him seven-eights.

Before every race the jockey had a drug. But despite it he rode worse than an exercise-boy; rode despicably. The Carter Handicap had finished his deal. And with it Garrison had lost his reputation. He had done many things in his mad years of prosperity the mistakes, the faults of youth. But Billy Garrison was right when he said he was square. He never threw a race in his life.

"'I wonder where ole Pierpont's at? I hears Chick say to Skinny. 'Gone East to see one of his hosses prepped fur the Brooklyn, I guess. "'Naw, says Skinny; 'you got that wrong. He's goin' to send a stable to Urope, 'n' Todd Sloan's tryin' to get a contrac' from him as exercise-boy. Ole Pierpont's watchin' Todd work out a few so he kin size up his style.