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He should not wish to have his tenants mere Ephemerae mere beings of an hour. BOSWELL. 'But, sir, if they have leases, is there not some danger that they may grow insolent? I remember you yourself once told me, an English tenant was so independent, that, if provoked, he would throw his rent at his landlord. JOHNSON. 'Depend upon it, sir, it is the landlord's own fault, if it is thrown at him.

Excellent patterns of these flies may be found in Ronalds: but, after all, they are uncertain flies; and, as Harry Verney used to say, 'they casualty flies be all havers; which sentence the reader, if he understands good Wessex, can doubtless translate for himself. And there are evenings on which the fish take greedily small transparent ephemerae.

In early spring these flies have dark olive bodies; in the end of April and the beginning of May they are found yellow; and in the summer they become cinnamon coloured; and again, as the winter approaches, gain a darker hue. I do not, however, mean to say that they are the same flies, but more probably successive generations of ephemerae of the same species.

We know that the ephemerae take no refreshment in the imago state, the mouth being aborted or atrophied in these short-lived creatures; but we also know that they belong to an exceedingly ancient tribe, and possibly, after the earth had ceased to produce their proper nourishment there came in their history a long hungry period, which did not kill them, but lasted until their feeding instincts became obsolete, the mouth lost its use, and their life in its perfect state dwindled to its present length.

He should not wish to have his tenants mere Ephemerae, mere beings of an hour . BOSWELL. 'But, Sir, if they have leases is there not some danger that they may grow insolent? I remember you yourself once told me, an English tenant was so independent, that, if provoked, he would throw his rent at his landlord. JOHNSON. 'Depend upon it, Sir, it is the landlord's own fault, if it is thrown at him.

Engravers, short-sighted. Entomostraca. Entozoa, difference of colour between the males and females of some. Environment, direct action of the, in causing differences between the sexes. Envy, persistence of. Eocene period, possible divergence of men during the. Eolidae, colours of, produced by the biliary glands. Epeira nigra, small size of the male of. Ephemerae. Ephemeridae.

Next morning we were under sail at seven, and had a delightful day. A curious thing about that night was a swarm of ephemerae so dense that it was like a blinding snowstorm. I could hardly see to steer for them; they hit my face like pelting rain. They fell on the deck, till it was covered an inch deep, and two inches deep in parts.

In the warm, sunny days of late September, numbers of some species of ephemerae were seen on the sedges and willows, with black bodies and gauzy wings, which the dace and bleak were swallowing eagerly, in quite summer fashion. The water is now unusually clear, and as the fish come to sun themselves in the shallows every shoal can be seen. The two orchids named are very interesting plants.

The grannam, or green-tail-fly, with a wing like a moth, comes on generally morning and evening, from five till eight o'clock, A.M. in mild weather, in the end of March and through April. Then there are the blue and the brown, both ephemerae, which come on, the first in dark days, the second in bright days; these flies, when well imitated, are very destructive to fish.

Some observations of mine on a species of Orni-thomyia a fly parasitical on birds might possibly be of use in considering the question of the anomalous position in nature of insects possessing the instincts and aptitudes of parasites, and organs manifestly modified to suit a parasitical mode of life, yet compelled and able to exist free, feeding, perhaps, on vegetable juices, or, like the ephemerae, on nothing at all.