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I have authority to hold hearings, and subpoena witnesses, and interrogate them under veridication. Max Fane has specific orders to cooperate. We're going to start, tomorrow, with Chief of Police Dumont and work down. And maybe we can work up, too, as far as Nick Emmert and Victor Grego." He gave a rumbling laugh. "Maybe that'll give Leslie Coombes something to worry about."

Until the middle of last month, I had nothing to report beyond some rather irregular financial transactions involving Resident General Emmert. Then, on the evening of June fifteen " That was when Ben had transmitted the tape to Juan Jimenez; she described how it had come to her attention. "As soon as possible, I transmitted a copy of this tape to Commander Aelborg.

But he's concerned about some garbled story getting to Terra about our upsetting the ecological balance and causing droughts. Fact is, I'm rather concerned myself." He knew what was worrying both of them. Emmert was afraid the Federation Colonial Office would blame him for drawing fire on them from the conservationists.

I called my client my client of record, that is and told him. I'm afraid it was rather a shock to him." "It wasn't any shock to me," Grego said as they sat down. "When Ham O'Brien's as positive about anything as he was about that, I always expect the worst." "Pendarvis is going to try the case himself," Emmert said. "I always thought he was a reasonable man, but what's he trying to do now?

My latest business enterprise although still running the jewelry business with more force than ever is my connection with the Johnston Car-seat Company, manufacturing the Emmert Coach and Reclining Car-seat, which has been adopted by many of the leading Railroad companies.

He gulped what was left in the glass and poured and gulped more. Then he staggered to his feet and stumbled over to the couch and threw himself onto it, face down, among the cushions. Leslie Coombes found Nick Emmert with Victor Grego in the latter's office when he entered. They both rose to greet him, and Grego said "You've heard?" "Yes. O'Brien called me immediately.

A couple of my men, from Post Eight, picked up Woller and that desk sergeant, Fuentes." "Ha!" He started feeling warm inside, as though he had just downed a slug of Baldur honey-rum. "How?" "Well, you know Nick Emmert has a hunting lodge down there. Post Eight keeps an eye on it for him.

It was something bigger and more powerful than he was, like God. Victor Grego identified the Company with himself. It was something big and powerful, like a vehicle, and he was at the controls. "Leonard, a little criticism won't hurt the Company," he said. "Not where it matters, on the dividends. I'm afraid you're too sensitive to criticism. Where did Emmert get this story anyhow?

"Chief scientific witness for the defense; I fail to see any practical difference." "Well, Mr. Emmert said it would be all right," O'Brien mumbled. "Jack, did you hear that?" Brannhard asked. "Treasure it in your memory. You may have to testify to it in court sometime." He turned to the Chief Justice.

The Company had people here checking on him; he knew and accepted that. So did the big stockholders, like Interstellar Explorations and the Banking Cartel and Terra Baldur-Marduk Spacelines. Nick Emmert had his corps of spies and stool pigeons, and the Terran Federation had people here watching both him and Emmert.