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In the sight of Heaven we are all equal, and I'm an eloper. I'm a faithless hound. That's not all, Jingle. They've thrown me out of the business. And that's not all. I bought four packets of oxalic acid. I've put them down where Mabel is bound to see them. There's one on her pillow, one on the clock, one on the piano, and one on the mantelpiece. You see? I'm a murderer.

The next instant the distracted eloper was on his feet demanding a special engine. "I've got to have it!" he shouted. Windomshire's wits returned. Why not have a special too? It was the only way. "You can order one for me, too," he exclaimed. "At once. It's imperative."

Every eye was wide and every mouth was open in surprise and consternation. "A thousand dollars reward!" gasped Jack Barnes. "Then, good Lord, I must have done something!" "What have you been doing, Jack Barnes?" cried his bride, aghast. "I must have robbed a train," said he dejectedly. "Well, this is serious, after all," said Crosby. "It's not an eloper they're after, but a desperado."

"Very soon after that your Uncle Thomas had his stroke, and after that of course I could not leave him." "Could not we do it still?" I suggested. Of course I took for granted that I should be involved in the elopement, as the confidential friend who carries a little reticule with jewels in it, and sustains throughout the spirits of the principal eloper.

When the unsuspecting eloper reached the Trumet church, it would be the aunt, not the niece, who awaited him. Still grinning, Mr. McKay walked off the platform, and into the arms of Ed Burns, the stable keeper, and Sam Bartlett, his loathed and favored rival. "Here he is!" shouted Burns. "Now we've got him." The foiler of the plot turned pale. Was his secret discovered?

A vague idea began to form in Issy's brain. Once get the would-be eloper aboard the Lady May, and, even though the warning note should remain undelivered, he Issy smiled, and the ghastliness of that smile was unnoticed by his companions. "I I'll do it," he cried. "By mighty! I WILL do it. You be at the wharf here at four o'clock.

The public of the crude early shows enjoyed the flashlike quickness with which it could follow the eloper over the roofs of the town, upstairs and down, into cellar and attic, and jump into the auto and race over the country roads until the culprit fell over a bridge into the water and was caught by the police.

Nothing less, believe me, shall ever urge my consent to wound the chaste propriety of your character, by making you an eloper with a duelist."