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They certainly don't when they're being dragged down by women-folks an' young ones." "I think the lasting part of the bargain makes it all the more solemn," Susanna argued. "Oh, yes, it's solemn enough, but so's a prayer meetin', an' consid'able more elevatin' "; and here Ansel regarded the surrounding scenery with frowning disapproval, as if it left much to be desired.

Thar's no chance to duck the play, however, as old Hickey's word is law, so I sadly buckles on the giant drum. "'We're jest turnin' into the picnic ground where this meetin's bein' held an' I've got thoughts of nothin' but my art as we moosicians says an' elevatin' the local opinion of an' concernin' the meelodious merits of the band.

And I didn't try to break up his argument, but simply repeated the question I had put to him for es I said before, I wuz tired, and skairt, and giddy yet from my hard labor and my great and hazardus elevatin'; I had not, es you may say, recovered yet from my recuperation, and so I sez agin them words "Is rostrums much higher than them barells to stand on?"

I expect they have got a fancy parlor, and I would like to sit in it a while and think of the days when I used to swab the deck. There's nothin' more elevatin', to my mind, than just that sort of thing. I do it sometime when I am eatin' my meals at the hotel, and the better I can bring to mind the bad coffee and hard tack, the better I like what's set before me." Mrs. Cliff sighed. She wished Mr.

Had I not come, she might have lost the Heaven-given gift of powwowing, for there is no sickness in Happy Valley the people die without it. It was a pleasure to have Mark settin' around the kitchen; it was elevatin' to hear Tip tell of his home and his wife and children; and as for cooking, it was no pleasure to cook for just one.

"Fine!" says I. "Bein' a little floral tribute, I take it, from Mr. Steele to himself." "Unless it should occur to you, McCabe," says he, "to make the distinction between offensive egoism and pardonable pride." "I don't get you," says I; "but I feel the jab. Anyhow, it's instructin' and elevatin' to hear you run on. Maybe you've got somethin' special on your mind?"

Again he looked at the pasteboards in his pale hands. Then he quickly pushed every cent he had into the pot. "I'm seeing it, and I'm elevatin' it every coin on me. It'll cost yuh let's see eight hundred and sixty more!" It was more than the Texan had by four hundred dollars. He could, however, stay for his stack. The man in the green eye shade could take out four hundred to even the bet.

I've never given a show before empty benches yet. And now, gents" the old spirit of the "barker" entered into him "you are about to behold a moral and elevatin' exhibition of the wonders of natur'. I have explored the jungles of Palermo, the hills of Peru Corners, the valleys of North Belgrade, never mindin' time and expense, and I've got something that beats the wild boy Tom and his little sister Mary.

And I didn't try to break up his argument, but simply repeated the question I had put to him for es I said before, I wuz tired, and skairt, and giddy yet from my hard labor and my great and hazardus elevatin'; I had not, es you may say, recovered yet from my recuperation, and so I sez agin them words "Is rostrums much higher than them barells to stand on?"

But it didn't. One nite, cummin' hum from the Mooseum, where I had been instructin' and elevatin' several thousand pussons, male and female, I innocently swallered a fog swallered it hull. I'd bin swallerin on 'em ever since I'd bin in England, but that night I took in a bigger one than ever, and it made me sick.