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Castro and Vidal speak of worms in the aorta. Rake reports a case of sudden death from round-worm; and Brown has noted a similar instance. The echinococcus is a tiny cestode which is the factor in the production of the well-known hydatid cysts which may be found in any part of the body. Delafield and Prudden report the only instance of multilocular echinococcus seen in this country.

She was attacked with a severe inflammation of the right eye, which had to be enucleated, and was found full of tenia echinococcus, evidently derived from the dog's tongue.

The larvae are present in meat and pork, and this form of parasitism is termed beef measles in cattle and pork measles in hogs. Man becomes host for these two forms of tapeworms through eating measly pork or beef that is not properly cooked. The dog is the host for Taeniae marginala, coenurus and echinococcus.

The secondary larvæ give rise, similarly, to another set within them, and these again to another set. Again, the fact that in Tænia echinococcus one egg produces numerous individuals, tends to invalidate the argument that the increase of segments during development is a relic of specific genesis. Mr.

They are met with chiefly on the palmar aspect of the fingers, and vary in size from a split pea to a cherry. The treatment consists in removing them by dissection. Parasitic cysts are produced by the growth within the tissues of cyst-forming parasites, the best known being the tænia echinococcus, which gives rise to the hydatid cyst.

Some of these cases were doubtless instances of echinococcus, trichinae, or the result of rectovesical fistula, but Riverius mentions an instance in which, after drinking water containing worms, a person passed worms in the urine. In the old Journal de physique de Rozier is an account of a man of forty-five who enjoyed good health, but who periodically urinated small worms from the bladder.

The ovum of a tape-worm, getting into its natural habitat, the intestine, unfolds into the well-known form of its parent; but if carried, as it frequently is, into other parts of the system, it becomes a sac-like creature, called by naturalists the Echinococcus a creature so extremely different from the tape-worm in aspect and structure, that only after careful investigations has it been proved to have the same origin.

Taenia expansa Sheep and ox Intestine Taenia fimbriata Sheep Liver Taenia denticulata Cattle Intestine Taenia alba Cattle Intestine Taenia perfoliata Solipeds Intestine Taenia mamillana Solipeds Intestine Taenia echinococcus Dog Intestine Name Host

The larvae forms of these taeniae are the Cysticercus tennicollis, Coenurus cerebralis and Echinococcus polymorphus. C. tennicollis is a parasite of the serous or lining membranes of the body cavities. It is not of great economic importance. C. cerebralis is a parasite of the brain of sheep, and may cause a heavy death rate in flocks that are infested with it.

Rein speaks of the removal of an enormous echinococcus cyst of the omentum without interruption of pregnancy. Robson reports a multi-locular cyst of the ovary with extensive adhesions of the uterus, removed at the tenth week of pregnancy and ovariotomy performed without any interruption of the ordinary course of labor.