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The tape-worm infests the whole course of the bowels, both small and large: the long round-worm, principally the small bowels, occasionally the stomach; it sometimes crawls out of the child's mouth, causing alarm to the mother; there is, of course, no danger in its doing so: the common thread-worm or maw-worm infests the rectum or fundament. What are the causes of Worms?

Castro and Vidal speak of worms in the aorta. Rake reports a case of sudden death from round-worm; and Brown has noted a similar instance. The echinococcus is a tiny cestode which is the factor in the production of the well-known hydatid cysts which may be found in any part of the body. Delafield and Prudden report the only instance of multilocular echinococcus seen in this country.

The only real proof of the presence of worms is their being seen in the evacuations. The worms commonly found in children are either the round-worm, which resembles the earth-worm, the thread-worm, or the tape-worm; the appearance of each of which is clearly indicated by its name.

The round-worm occasions the fewest symptoms, and is rather an object of disgust than of grave importance, at least in this country, where it seldom happens that more than two or three are present.

The common round-worm may be found in the first portion of the intestine, and the small round-worm in the caecum. Neither of the species are dangerous unless present in large numbers. They may then obstruct the intestine, and irritate the intestinal mucous membrane. This may cause constipation, catarrhal inflammation of the intestine and diarrhoea.

The immature and mature forms of tapeworms are parasites of vertebrate animals, but an invertebrate host is necessary for the completion of the life cycle of the fluke. The hog is the only specie of domestic animals that becomes a host for the thorn-headed worm. The round-worm is a very common parasite. There are many species belonging to this class.

Tape-worm and round-worm, more especially the former, are apt, in children, to produce convulsions. Tape-worm is very weakening to the constitution, and usually causes great emaciation and general ill-health; the sooner, therefore, it is expelled from the bowels the better it will be for the patient. Many of the obscure diseases of children arise from worms.

If wanted in show condition we have Plasmon to fall back upon, and Burroughs and Wellcome's extract of malt. There is a round-worm which at times infests the dog's bladder, and may cause occlusion of the urethra; a whip-worm inhabiting the caecum; another may occupy a position in the mucous membrane of the stomach; some infest the blood, and others the eye.

The different species of poultry are hosts for many different species of round-worms, thorn-headed worms and tapeworms. Dr. Kaupp states that Acaris inflexa or large round-worm, Heterakis pipilosa or small round-worm, and the Spiroptera hamulosa or gizzard-worm are frequently found in fowls.

Dagan speaks of the issue of a lumbricoid from the external auditory meatus. Laughton reports an instance of lumbricoid in the nose. Rake speaks of asphyxia from a round-worm. Morland mentions the ejection of numerous lumbricoid worms from the mouth.