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"You must dreen every drop of water off the spinach, mind, before you put it over, or else " It was Sister Soulsby's sharp and penetrating tones which came to him. Theron closed the door again, and surrendered himself once more to the circling whirl of his thoughts. A love-feast at nine in the morning opened the public services of a Sunday still memorable in the annals of Octavius Methodism.

"Ah, they had a right to put off the funeral," said the other workman, "and not be giving the poor corp his death of cold." "'Tis warrum enough there where the ould mon's gone, but 'tis cold working for a poor lad like mesilf in the bottom of a wet grave. Gol! 'tis like a dreen." With that he shouldered his spade and waded reluctantly away.

"Then, outside of the cook stove and my clothes, I don't know whether I'm worth a blasted cent, hey? They can dreen me slow with a gimlet, or let it out all at once with a pod auger, can they? That's what the law can do to me, you say! What can it do for me, Squire Hexter?" "Well, Jared, they'll take your cows over to the shire and auction them off for what they'll bring.

'tain't much to do to the trees all you've got to do is to take an axe and chip a bit out and stick a chip a leetle way into the cut for to dreen the sap, and set a trough under, and then go on to the next one, and so on; you may make one or two cuts in the south side of the tree, and one or two cuts in the north side, if the tree's big enough, and if it ain't, only make one or two cuts in the south side of the tree; and for the sap to run good it had ought to be that kind o' weather when it freezes in the day and thaws by night; I would say! when it friz in the night and thaws in the day; the sap runs more bountifully in that kind o' weather."

Whoop!" exclaimed Martha, as she went off in wild screams of laughter. "Kin you swim?" she asked, with the coolness of the mountain-maiden she was. "No, no," sputtered the Doctor. "I reckon you'll tow good. Jest gimme your han', an' keep your feet down, an' me an' Alec 'ill tow you ashore to dreen. Hit's like you're purty wet."

Oncet when Hiram wanted to dreen the home pasture, he went to the cyclopeedy to find out about it, but all he diskivered wuz: "Drain See Tile." This wuz in 1859, and the cyclopeedy had only got down to G. The cow wuz sick with lung fever one spell, and Leander laid her dyin' to that cussid cyclopeedy, 'cause when he went to readin' 'bout cows it told him to "See Zoology."

"And now," said Aunt Sally, "it's time to begin that there decorating which Gabriell' thinks is a part of Christmas. Pasqually's been real good. He's been up to the dreen, where you planted them calla lilies, Jessie, and he's fetched a good many bushels. Seven hundred, I guess he said.

"Well, I must clean it out, as soon as I get the other things goin', or the dreen will be stopped up." Mrs. White's English was not irreproachable, but she was masterful. Maria continued to stand numbly in the middle of the kitchen, watching Mrs. White, who looked at her uneasily. "You must be a good girl, and trust in the Lord," said she, and she tried to make her voice sharp.

When de sojers come dey turnt us loose lak animals wid nothin'. Dey had no business to set us free lak dat. Dey gimme 160 acres of lan', but twant no 'count. It was in Mt. Bayou, Arkansas, an' was low an' swampy. Twant yo' lan' to keep lessen you lived on it. You had to clear it, dreen it, an' put a house on it. "How I gwine-a dreen an' clear a lot o' lan' wid nothin' to do it wid?

Have it jest as you've a mind to, but, if I was you, I'd dreen. So they drained it long and crossways in the lavish Roman style. Still we find among the river-drift their flakes of ancient tile, And in drouthy middle August, when the bones of meadows show, We can trace the lines they followed sixteen hundred years ago.