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Because they had no human means of knowing anything about the black automobile that bad whirled across the mesa to the southeast and left its mysterious passengers in one of the arroyos that leads into the Sandias Mountains near Coyote Springs, nine cowpuncher deputy-sheriffs bored their way steadily through sun and wind and thirst, traveling due northwest, keeping always on the trail of the six horses that traveled steadily before them Always a day's march behind, always watching hopefully for some sign of delay for an encouraging freshness in the tracks that would show a lessening distance between the two parties, Luck and his Happy Family rode from dawn till dusk, from another dawn to another dusk.

Sillett advanced leisurely, not seeing the figures under the live-oak. He carried a tin box and a butterfly-net. He was dressed in the brown over-alls of Southern California, stained and discoloured by sun and tar-weed. His face, brown as the over-alls, had, however, a pinched look, and in his eyes lay a curious tenseness familiar enough to deputy-sheriffs.

If they want Spain licked, why don't they turn the San Augustine Rifles and Joe Seely's ranger company and a car-load of West Texas deputy-sheriffs onto these Spaniards, and let us exonerate them from the face of the earth? I never did, says I, 'care much about fighting by the Lord Chesterfield ring rules.

In other cases they were sheriffs, marshals, deputy-sheriffs, and deputy-marshals men who had fought Indians, and still more often had waged relentless war upon the bands of white desperadoes.

Now, you and I will play deputy-sheriffs, and have those poachers securely in the lock-up before night." "But suppose they fight?" "Then we'll fight back." Ralph was so aglow with joyous excitement at the thought of this adventure, that Albert had not the heart to throw cold water on his enthusiasm. Moreover, he was afraid of being thought cowardly by his friend if he offered objections.

Will you give me your word of honeh, seh, that they will not be annoyed in my absence?" Winton sprang up, losing his temper again. "It's well, it's blessed lucky that you know your man, Mr. Darrah!" he exploded. "Go on about your business which is to bring another army of deputy-sheriffs down on us, I take it.