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It ties directly into the bloodstream, keeping blood, sugar, et cetera, at optimum levels and injecting euphrin or depressin as necessary and occasionally a touch of extra adrenaline, as during work emergencies." "Is it painful?" Daisy called from the bedroom. "Excruciating," Gusterson called back. "Excuse it, please," he grinned at Fay.

"No, I'm doing something to that portion of me just now. But hang onto the yard, Gusterson." "Aye-aye, Cap'n," he assured her. Then, turning back to Fay, "So you've taken the Dr. Coué repeating out of the tickler?" "Oh, no. Just balanced it off with depressin. The subliminals are still a prime sales-point. All the tickler features are cumulative, Gussy.

But they hed suthin' ter look tormented an' tribulated 'bout," said the girl, evidently disappointed to find the jury of view not more cheerful of aspect. "But mebbe conversin' a passel by the way with old Persimmon Sneed is powerful depressin' ter the sperits." Selwyn's face grew grave at the mention of the coroner's jury. "I'm afraid that poor fellow missed something good," he said.

"They would love their hums would make them yield, instead of ruin and depressin' influences, a good income to themselves, and good tax-payin' property to help Uncle Sam "Decrease vice, increase virtue lead away from prisons and almshousen, lead toward meetin'-housen, and the halls of justice, mebby.

Flathers cast a sidelong glance upward as if to size up the handsome young gentleman on horseback. "Mighty depressin'," he confessed, "with a thirst that's been accumulatin' for weeks and weeks, and a sick wife, and a adobted child that ain't spoke a word for seven years. But I'm restin' on the Lord. He well pervide."

"Wal, not more'n thar was afore," said Zac, slowly; "on'y it seems more resky to me here, jest now, settin' here this way, inactive like; p'aps it's the fog that's had a kin' o' depressin' effect on my sperrits; it's often so. Or mebbe it's the effect of the continooal hearin' of that darned frog-eatin' French lingo that you go on a jabberin' with the priest thar.

They heard oars, but could see nothing till the cook, shining and dripping, rowed into them. "What iss happened?" said he. "You will be beaten at home." "Thet's what we want. Thet's what we're sufferin' for" said Dan. "Anything homey's good enough fer us. We've had kinder depressin' company." As the cook passed them a line, Dan told him the tale. "Yess!

Six or seven foot o' dead watter in the engine-room is a vara depressin' sight if ye think there's like to be more comin'; but I did not consider that such was likely, and so, yell note, I was not depressed." "That's all very well, but I want to know about the water," I said. "I've told ye. There was six feet or more there, wi' Calder's cap floatin' on top." "Where did it come from?"

Times is hard sence beaver went down. I kain't tell ye how hard this here depressin' has set on us folks out here." "Two squaws! My laws! Two what's their names?" This last with feminine curiosity. "Well now, ma'am, I call one on 'em Blast Yore Hide she's a Ute. The other is younger an' pertier. She's a Shoshone. I call her Dang Yore Eyes. Both them women is powerful fond o' me, ma'am.

It turns out good for the camp, however, as this yere experience proves so depressin' to Silver Phil he removes his blankets to Red Dog. Thar among them purblind tarrapins, its inhabitants, it's likely he gets prosperous an' ondetected action on that little old ha'r copper of his.