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The King and Queen of Spain, on alighting at the governmental palace, found awaiting them the grand marshal, the Duke de Frioul, who escorted them to their apartments, and presented to them General Count Reille, the Emperor's aide-de-camp, performing the duties of governor of the palace; M. d'Audenarde, equerry, with M. Dumanoir and M. de Baral, chamberlains charged with the service of honor near their Majesties.

The carriage stopped, and the men began to change the horses. Napoleon hastened to the carriage-door. He did not want to be recognized for a few moments yet, but the equerry, d'Audenarde, scarcely believing his eyes, shouted, "The Emperor!" The happy husband flung himself into the arms of his wife, who was overcome with surprise and emotion. The first glance delighted him.

The King and Queen of Spain, on alighting at the governmental palace, found awaiting them the grand marshal, the Duke de Frioul, who escorted them to their apartments, and presented to them General Count Reille, the Emperor's aide-de-camp, performing the duties of governor of the palace; M. d'Audenarde, equerry, with M. Dumanoir and M. de Baral, chamberlains charged with the service of honor near their Majesties.

The King and Queen of Spain, on alighting at the governmental palace, found awaiting them the grand marshal, the Duke de Frioul, who escorted them to their apartments, and presented to them General Count Reille, the Emperor's aide-de-camp, performing the duties of governor of the palace; M. d'Audenarde, equerry, with M. Dumanoir and M. de Baral, chamberlains charged with the service of honor near their Majesties.

Four equerries, Corbineau, Berckheim, d'Audenarde, and Fouler. A superintendent-general of her Majesty's household, Hinguerlot. A secretary of commands, Deschamps. Two head valets, Frere and Douville. Four valets in ordinary. Four men servants. Two head footmen, L'Esperance and d'Argens. Six ordinary footmen.

The French party, which was to meet Marshal Berthier at Braunau, and to serve as an escort to the Empress for the rest of the journey, was composed of the following people: Caroline, Queen of Naples, Murat's wife and Napoleon's sister; the Duchess of Montebello, lady of honor, the widow of Marshal Lannes; the Countess of Lucay, lady of the bed-chamber; the Duchess of Bassano, the Countesses of Montmorency, of Mortemart, and of Bouille, maids of honor; the Bishop of Metz, Monsignor Jauffret, almoner; the Count of Beauharnais, lord-in-waiting; the Prince Aldobrandini Borghese, chief equerry; the Counts d'Aubusson, of Bearn, d'Angosse, and of Barol, chamberlains; Philip de Segur, lord steward; the Baron of Saluces and the Baron d'Audenarde, equerries; the Count of Seyssel, master of ceremonies; M. de Bausset, steward.

Four equerries, Corbineau, Berckheim, d'Audenarde, and Fouler. A superintendent-general of her Majesty's household, Hinguerlot. A secretary of commands, Deschamps. Two head valets, Frere and Douville. Four valets in ordinary. Four men servants. Two head footmen, L'Esperance and d'Argens. Six ordinary footmen.

Four equerries, Corbineau, Berckheim, d'Audenarde, and Fouler. A superintendent-general of her Majesty's household, Hinguerlot. A secretary of commands, Deschamps. Two head valets, Frere and Douville. Four valets in ordinary. Four men servants. Two head footmen, L'Esperance and d'Argens. Six ordinary footmen.