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"Not a whit; he is forever a dupe to the spes credula; always talking of buying an annuity, that he may be independent, and always spending as fast as he earns, that he may appear munificent." "Poor Gay! but he is a common example of the improvidence of his tribe, while you are an exception.

"Not a whit; he is forever a dupe to the /spes credula/; always talking of buying an annuity, that he may be independent, and always spending as fast as he earns, that he may appear munificent." "Poor Gay! but he is a common example of the improvidence of his tribe, while you are an exception.

But this shall be the Subject of another Paper. No. 171. Saturday, Sept. 15, 1711. Addison. 'Credula res amor est ... Ovid. Met.

My wife, rest her soul, is in heaven. Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." As he was very inquisitive about our affairs, we made no scruple of acquainting him with our situation, which when he had learned, he enriched us with advices how to behave in the world, telling us that he was no stranger to the deceits of mankind.

Whether it were because the thread of my dream was at an end I cannot tell, but, upon my taking a survey of this imaginary old man, my sleep left me. Part One. Spatio brevi Spem longam reseces: dum loquimur, fugerit invida AEtas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. HOR., Od. i. 11, 6.

'Aurungzebe' was by Dryden. No. 93. Saturday, June 16, 1711. Addison. ... Spatio brevi Spem longam reseces: dum loquimur, fugerit Invida AEtas: carpe Diem, quam minimum credula postero. Hor. We all of us complain of the Shortness of Time, saith Seneca and yet have much more than we know what to do with.

Estoy dispuesto a convenir en que era más asediada, más agasajada quizás, pero no por eso más respetada. ¿Llamais respeto y consideración a aquéllas vanas fórmulas de etiqueta que hacían doblar el espinazo del hombre a la vista de una mujer y le hacían decir cuatro frases vulgares de cumplimiento, para hinchar la vanidad o marear la cabeza de una mujer crédula y fatua? ¿Llamais respeto a ese hábito singular de algunos hombres de calificar siempre de divinos los ojos de la mujer que tiene delante, de comparar sus labios a lindos pétalos de rosa, sus dientes a sarta de diminutas perlas, su cintura a cimbreante tallo de azucena y otras tantas necedades de ese jaez?