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Quite as if they were sung in his ear, and in her very tones, he heard the words of Saint Bernard, which we have introduced to our reader: Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordi gaudia: Sed super mel et omnia Ejus dulcis praesentia. "Jesu, spes poenitentibus, Quam pius es petentibus, Quam bonus te quaerentibus, Sed quis invenientibus!"

The long sweet notes lingered in Basil's mind when he lay down to rest. And, as he crossed himself before sleeping, the only prayer he breathed was: 'Infunde lumen cordi meo. On the morrow he rose earlier, talking the while with his servant Deodatus.

Hope-Scott was left alone in Abbotsford, with his only surviving child, a very fragile and delicate flower too, such as to make a father tremble while he kissed it. Sancta Mater, istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas, Cordi meo valide. My babes, why were you born, Since in life's early morn Death overtook you, and, before I could half love you, you were mine no more?

You see dilecta cordis mei, or, cordi meo, for either is good grammar you see, Susan, the difference between a Christian and a hathen is this: a Christian bears disappointments, with fortitude with what is denominated Christian fortitude; whereas, on the contrary, a hathen doesn't bear disappointments at all.