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Orcutt most certainly would, for McNabb had once publicly compared it with her coat, much to the New York coat's detriment and Mrs. Orcutt's humiliation. It was not altogether loyalty for his employer that led him to plot the woman an uncomfortable evening, for he owed her a grudge on his own account.

Then he measured Mr. Crow. And then he measured the cloth. And then he scratched some figures on a flat stone. "There'll be thirteen spots on your coat and that'll make just thirteen that you'll owe me." "Thirteen what?" asked Mr. Crow. "Ah! That's the question!" said Mr. Frog, mysteriously. "I'll tell you when your coat's finished. And you can pay me then.

But the buttons was good. The buttons wore well. And them I'm bringin' back, 'caze you may have use for 'em, and I have none, now the coat's gone. Also, what I borry I return, as everybody knows. That was your granddaddy." There was a tremendous giggling about the board as the old man made an end. Johnnie herself smiled, though her face was scarlet.

'A red coat's red enough without they to dye mun, I reckon. But she wouldn't tell me where he was agone, till I said that if she did not I would go out to find mun for myself. 'Do you mane that? she saith I mind it as if 'twas yesterday 'Then I'll take 'ee to mun. 'Ere, look 'ee!

In France, the haunch buttons and pocketholes are within half a foot of the coat's extremity: their hats look as if they had been pared round the brims, and the crown is covered with a kind of cordage, which, in my opinion, produces a very beggarly effect. In every other circumstance of dress, male and female, the contrast between the two nations, appears equally glaring.

She said, "Let me by, please." Peter with reluctance gave her just room to pass. He felt that he had not said half of what he wished, but he did not dare to offend again. As it turned out, it was the best thing he could do, for the moment Leonore had passed him, she exclaimed, "Why! Your coat's wringing wet." "That's nothing," said Peter, turning to the voice.

True, whenever Sir Long Coat's travels led him back to any one to whom he had sworn eternal love, he went first to her, if she, too, retained the old affection. But Katterle had cause to care for him most, for he was more warmly devoted to her than to any of the others, and in his own fashion his intentions were honest.

He expected a rebuke for being out of the way; but no! he found the young gentleman in excellent humor and high spirits. "Help me off with this coat, Tom." "Yes, sir." "Oh! not so rough, confound you. Ah! Ugh!" "Coat's a little too tight, sir." "No it isn't it fits me like a glove but I am stiff and sore. There, now, get me a shirt."

"Now, my lady, do you cut it; cut at once," said Sir Roger, turning hastily round to his better-half; and his better-half, knowing that the province of a woman is to obey, did cut it. But as she went she gave the doctor a pull by the coat's sleeve, so that thereby his healing faculties might be sharpened to the very utmost.

The little man's complaisance had given me the greatest wonder of my life Margaret's silent watching over me as I lay asleep, and I gave him a guinea with much gladness. "The coat's too big for you, Timothy, and it's no good denying it. I'll speak to his worship about a new one of the right length." "Thank yer, sir," he said, grinning oafishly as he pouched the guinea.