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"With a clamshell." He looked dubious, but Tish assured him it was feasible. So he hunted a clamshell, a double one, Tish requested, and brought it into camp. "I'd better do it for you," said Tish. "It's likely to be slow, but it is sure." He was eyeing the clamshell and looking more and more uneasy. "You're not going to scrape it off?" he asked anxiously.

After this paper Virgin the next most prominent object of worship I saw in Piedra Blanca was a saint with a dress of vegetable fibre, long hair that had once adorned a horse's tail, and eyes of pieces of clamshell. Poor, dark Bolivia! It would be almost an impossible thing to exaggerate the low state of religion there.

The very winds blew the Indian's cornfield into the meadow, and pointed out the way which he had not the skill to follow. He had no better implement with which to intrench himself in the land than a clamshell. But the farmer is armed with plough and spade. In Literature it is only the wild that attracts us. Dulness is but another name for lameness.

At the end of a swift half-mile she rounded to, with head-sails trimming down and with a great flapping of main and mizzen, and dropped anchor in fifty feet of water so clear that every huge fluted clamshell was visible on the coral floor. The whaleboat was not necessary to put the Langa- Langa return boys ashore.

Well, we drew a sort of screen over the organ-loft; but the result was not as marked as we had hoped. We next devised a sounding-board, a sort of mammoth clamshell, painted white, and erected it behind the minister. It had a good effect on the minister. It kept him up straight to his work.

And so Ab slid down the tree, clamshell in hand, and began laboring vigorously at the spot agreed upon. It was not a difficult task for a strong boy to cut through tough grass roots with the keen edge of the clamshell.

In no more than minutes everything was out except the four crates that were the gyros. The co-pilot regarded them dourly, and Joe clenched his fists. The co-pilot closed the clamshell doors, and it became possible to hear oneself think again. "Ship's lighter, anyhow," reported the co-pilot, back in the cabin. "Tell 'em this is what exploded." The pilot took the slip.

It ended astern in a clumsy-looking bulge that was closed by a pair of huge clamshell doors, opening straight astern. It was built that way, of course, so that large objects could be loaded direct into the cargo hold, but it was neither streamlined nor graceful. "Did anything get into the cargo hold?" asked Joe in sudden anxiety. "Did the cases I'm with get hit?"

He also wore thongs about his neck and wrists, a sharpened clamshell hanging from the former, the strands dangling loose in the case of the latter. Decorative in appearance, they were in fact purely practical, serving many purposes as need arose. He also wore the buckskin pouch, along with a drinking skin from which he rationed water for the two of them, Akar being free to pursue it as he might.

The fresh air and the exercise had given us the appetites of wolves, and we were about famished by the time the savory mixture was ready for our clamshell saucers. I shall not insult the rising generation on the seaboard by telling them how delectable is a chowder compounded and eaten in this Robinson Crusoe fashion.