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And after the disappearance of each fresh article, Pip used to ask whether the corduroy-trousered gentleman had been to the house the night before. And as it always happened, that he had, Martha could do nothing but cast a wrathful glance at the boy and flounce from the room. One night the little chess-table from the nursery was spirited away.

Doctor Bridges still sat at the chess-table, his mouth dropping open, his expression one of pure consternation; Guy Little stood in the doorway just behind Terry, rubbing a slippered toe against his leg and watching interestedly. "So you're Temple's girl, are you?" snorted the old man. "Well, I might have guessed it!"

Mr Rice Rice, junior, and Sir Hugh wished that they were good chess players. It was quite an honour to be invited to a family party at Glanyravon. 'Put the chess-table into the book-room, Winifred, and lock the door. Mr Gwynne actually rose in the excitement of the moment. 'If the servants come they will disturb the men, and and all that sort of thing, you know.

Do you know, when I saw that marble chess-table which had belonged to the parsonage, and which Percy had left in John's charge, a horrid feeling came that I would not save it for Jane, and I left it. Then I remembered that was a nasty spiteful bit of revenge, and I hated myself, and dashed in when I really did know that it was not safe. I was altogether mad, I believe.

Sampson say once that he never played now, that it was too easy for work, and too hard for amusement. So I put the chess-table entirely aside, and began again. A position for sleep is, unluckily, the one that is sure to keep one awake. Lying down, all the blood in my body kept rushing to my brain, keeping up perpetual images of noun substantives.

"I hope you'll excuse my being gone so long," she smiled, as she entered the room where her two guests sat decorously face to face at the chess-table. "Well, you know you said you'd be gone ten minutes," Arkwright reminded her, politely. "Yes, I know I did." And Billy, to her credit, did not even smile at the man who did not know ten minutes from fifty.

Mr Gwynne aroused himself, and challenged his young neighbour. Miss Gwyne, assisted by all the gentlemen, brought the chess-table, and the game soon began. There is no doubt that there is nothing in the world more selfish, more absorbing, more disagreeable to every one excepting the players, than chess. Mr Gwynne began his game half asleep; Rowland began his in a very bad temper.

After the battle of Naseby the king surrendered himself to the Scots, and they, through an arrangement with the English Parliament, conducted him to Holmby House, where he maintained something of sovereign state, though under the surveillance of the Parliamentary commissioners. He devoted his time to receiving visitors, the bowling-green, and the chess-table.

In the progress of the story, the characters of the hero and heroine expand at a rate that shivers the porcelain chess-table of aristocratic convention: they quit the society and habits of their rank; they lose their wealth; they become the servants of great ideas, and of the most generous social ends; until, at last, the hero, who is the center and fountain of an association for the rendering of the noblest benefits to the human race, no longer answers to his own titled name: it sounds foreign and remote in his ear.

And he fastened his moody eyes on her who was keeping him thus dancing to her pipes. He made an awkward movement which shook the chess-table. The General said behind him: "Look out, George! What what!" George went up to his mother. "Let's have a look at that, Mother." Mrs. Pendyce leaned back in her chair and handed up her work with a smile of pleased surprise.