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"Every one of my fellows does something or other so exquisitely, that it were sin to make him do anything else it is your jacks-of-all-trades who are masters of none. But hark to Chaubert's signal. The coxcomb is twangling it on the lute, to the tune of Eveillez-vous, belle endormie.

Madam Chiffinch cried for spite, and transgressed Solomon's warning, by cursing the King in her heart; but had no better course than to return to Westminster, and direct Chaubert's preparations for the evening.

"You would have asked me these an hour ago," said the lord, "had not your very soul been under Chaubert's covered dishes. You remembered King's affairs will keep cool, and entre-mets must be eaten hot." "Not so, my lord; I only kept common talk whilst that eavesdropping rascal of a landlord was in the room; so that, now the coast is clear once more, I pray you for news from Court."

Hum! ha! ay squab-pigeons wildfowl young chickens venison cutlets and a space in the centre, wet, alas! by a gentle tear from Chaubert's eye, where should have been the soupe aux écrevisses. The zeal of that poor fellow is ill repaid by his paltry ten louis per month." "A mere trifle," said Ganlesse; "but, like yourself, Will, he serves a generous master."

Never saw so unnurtured a cub Knew no more what he ate than an infidel I cursed him by my gods when I saw Chaubert's chef-d' oeuvres glutted down so indifferent a throat. We took the freedom to spice his goblet a little, and ease him of his packet of letters; and the fool went on his way the next morning with a budget artificially filled with grey paper.