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Besides being found with circumstances thus corresponding to the natural facility, or to the impediments attending the metallization of those different calces, the native metals are also found in such a shape, and with such marks, as can only agree with the fusion of those bodies; that is to say, those appearances are perfectly irreconcilable with any manner of solution and precipitation.

Brasil. lib 1. in fine. Purchas Pilgrim. Chap. Sect 5. Purchas. Ibid. Purchas Ibid. in fin The way, Pyrophilus, of producing Whiteness by Chymical Præcipitations is very well worth our observing, for thereby Bodyes of very Differing Colours as well as Natures, though dissolv'd in Several Liquors, are all brought into Calces or Powders that are White.

It is remarkable, that matter produced by suppuration will lie concealed in the body many weeks, or even months, without producing hectic fever; but as soon as the wound is opened, so as to admit air to the surface of the ulcer, a hectic fever supervenes, even in very few hours, which is probably owing to the azotic part of the atmosphere rather than to the oxygene; because those medicines, which contain much oxygene, as the calces or oxydes of metals, externally applied, greatly contribute to heal ulcers, of these are the solutions of lead and mercury, and copper in acids, or their precipitates.

The like Calx will be afforded as I have try'd by a Solution of that shining Mineral Tinglass dissolv'd in Aqua Fortis, and Præcipitated out of it; and divers of these Calces may be made at least as Fair and White, if not better Colour'd, if instead of Oyl of Tartar they were Præcipitated with Oyl of Vitriol, or with another Liquor I could Name.

A large proportion of the Balonda, indeed, have heads somewhat elongated backward and upward, thick lips, flat noses, elongated 'ossa calces', etc., etc.; but there are also many good-looking, well-shaped heads and persons among them. 17TH, TUESDAY. We were honored with a grand reception by Shinte about eleven o'clock. Sambanza claimed the honor of presenting us, Manenko being slightly indisposed.