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Do tell us, Margaret!" said Mary, placing her in a chair, and loosening her bonnet-strings. "I think it's a stroke o' the palsy. Any rate she has lost the use of one side." "Was it afore Will set off?" asked Mary. "No, he were gone before I got there," said Margaret; "and she were much about as well as she has been for many a day. She spoke a bit, but not much; but that were only natural, for Mrs.

I've managed to pack a good many into thirty short years. And that reminds me, Mrs. Townshend-Mahony, do you know you will have been married to me two whole years, come next Friday?" "Why, so we shall!" cried Polly, and was transfixed in the act of tying her bonnet-strings. "How time does fly! It seems only the other day I saw this room for the first time.

She disappeared from view for a moment, and then rose from the depths with a purple face and her bonnet flattened and cocked over one ear like an artillery-man's forage cap. Hornby, encumbered by her purse, her handkerchief and the Testament, struggled to unfasten her bonnet-strings.

"We've had a very enjoyable day, Amelia," said the old lady, untying her bonnet-strings. "Suppose you lay this on the table. Ann must brush it before it's put away. What is it? Child, child, what is it?" Amelia had taken a fold of her old friend's skirt. It would have seemed to her a liberty to touch her hand. "Mis' Knowles," she said, "I've had company.

She is more thoughtful of the attitude she strikes upon the carpet than how she will look in the judgment; more worried about her freckles than her sins; more interested in her bonnet-strings than in her redemption. Her apparel is the poorest part of a Christian woman, however magnificently dressed, and no one has so much right to dress well as a Christian.

Hetherton liked being late at church, and so, notwithstanding that the Colonel had worked himself into a tempest of excitement, had tied and untied her bonnet-strings half a dozen times, changed her rich basquine for a thread lace mantilla, and then, just as the bell from St.

I saw her hands at her bonnet-strings, and I rushed between her and the brink and took her round the waist with both my arms. She might have drowned me, I felt then, but she could never have got quit of me.

It was Elsie who tied the bonnet-strings now, with more dexterous fingers than Geordie's, and performed many similar kindly offices besides; and little Jean was already learning from the forester's daughter many habits of tidiness which her poor, failing grandmother had not been capable of teaching her.

Finally she said, with a puzzled look to Eunice, who was smoothing out her bonnet-strings, "It's queer, but I can't hear them talking." "Maybe he didn't come in," said Eunice. "If they are in the parlor, you couldn't hear them," said Henry, still with his half-quizzical, half-pitying air.

She sat down now on the nearest chair, untied her bonnet-strings, and looked affectionately at the girl. "I have good news," she said; "yes, all things considered, I have." "Is the money found, grandmother?" "You couldn't expect it to be yet. Of course, she wot took it hid it wot else can you expect?" "Oh, then nothing matters!" said Alison, her head drooping.