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Yet none liked to appear too forward or greedy, so silence followed. "I'll try you modest young men out on my own lines, then," laughed the coach. Calling to one of the juniors to stand behind him as catcher, Luce continued: "Darrin, as you're a candidate for pitcher, show us some of the things you can do to fool a batsman." Dave took his post, his face a bit red.

As fast as he could leg it went Holmes after it, and with good judgment. But the ball got there before Greg did. In a twinkling, the young left fielder had the ball up and in motion. Tom Reade caught it deftly at second, and wheeled toward first. But the runner saw his error in leaving first, and slid back in season. Turning back, with his lips close together, Dick tried a new batsman.

Turning to cricket in general, perhaps the modern game, as played on a good wicket, is in every respect, save one, perfection. If only something could be done to curtail the length of matches, and rid us of that awful nuisance the poking, time-wasting batsman, there would be little improvement possible. "All the world's a stage," and even at cricket the analogy holds good.

The impression God made on their minds was a correct one. He could bring chariots and horses as a great host against them. They did well to realize this fact. A similar method of mystifying his opponent is adopted by the base-ball pitcher in his demonstrations with the ball before letting it drive at the batsman.

Having hit it away, he can make a run or runs only if he and his partner can reach their opposite wickets before the ball is returned by the fielders and a wicket put down. All the fielders are in active league against the batsman, whose single-handed resistance will be of little avail unless he exceeds mere defence and adds his quota of runs to the score of his side.

I was already starting for the second run, whilst my stout fellow batsman was halfway through the first, when the ball came down like a meteor, and, narrowly shaving the luckless "Podder's" head, hit the ground with a loud thud about five yards distant from the outstretched hands of the anxious bowler, who collided with his ally, the wicket-keeper, in the middle of the pitch.

Comrade Jackson is in form. 'Jackson? said Mr Smith, 'is that the same youngster you brought home last summer? The batsman? Is he playing today? 'He was not out thirty at lunch-time. He would appear to be making something of a stand with his brother Joe, who has made sixty-one up to the moment of going to press. It's possible he may still be in when we get there.

There were only two wickets, a foot high and two feet apart, with one long bail at the top. Between the wickets there was a hole large enough to contain the ball, and when the batsman made a run, he had to place the end of his bat in this hole before the wicket-keeper could place the ball there, otherwise he would be "run out."

That took some of the starch out of the Navy batsman, who suddenly realized that this twirler for the Army was up to old tricks. "Strike two!" Dan was sure he had that one, and he missed it only by an inch. Gone, now, was the grin on Dalzell's face. A frown gathered between his eyes as he took harder hold of the stick and waited. Nor did Prescott keep him long waiting.

This is accomplished when he and his partner at the other wicket succeed in changing places before the ball is returned to the wicket by the fielders. The several ways in which a batsman may be put out are these: 1. "Bowled out," if the bowler succeeds in bowling a ball which evades the batsman's defence and strikes the wicket. 2.