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And the gentlemen, her preux chevaliers, they were burning with other passions than those which had driven them to her knees, encountering a little more serious response than "bahs" and shrugs. And, after all, a woman seems the quickest thing forgotten when once the important affairs of life come to men for consideration.

The poor, awkward little things did their very best to run away, and kept uttering their peculiar little "bahs" all the time, but their walk or shamble was very tiring, and required a great effort, and only too soon they sank down utterly exhausted, asking, in their poor, dumb way, that their lives might be spared.

And what sort of experiment?" "What experiment, other than simple measurement, is it possible to perform?" he snapped. "Why I don't know. To travel in it?" "Exactly." "Like these time-machines that are so popular in the current magazines? To go into the future or the past?" "Bah! Many bahs! The future or the past pfui! It needs no van Manderpootz to see the fallacy in that.

I went down before him it made him seem to rush up and he ignored me further. His big flat voice counseled young Verrall "Cut, Teddy! It won't do. The picketa's got i'on bahs. . . ." Feet swayed about me, and some hobnailed miner kicked my ankle and went stumbling. There were shouts and curses, and then everything had swept past me.

Unlike most newly-born animals, their bright, quick little eyes were wide open, and they looked around in the most inquisitive manner, and were just as curious as seals always are, even in their infancy. They were wonderfully active, too, and began moving about within a few minutes of their birth, uttering soft little "bahs" for their mother, and making themselves quite at home.