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He slumped down upon the bench beside me and helped himself to beans. "By the e-tar-nal snakes!" he muttered. "It does completely flabergasticate me I do assure you! I never saw two folks so near alike, back-to! You'd oughter see the Professor." "I would be only too happy," I said, politely. I was interested in my new acquaintance, but not particularly in his friend whom I appeared to favor.

It seemed that the thread of an idea ran through song and dance alike, and that the hillmen and beyond-the-hills-men, who sat back-to- the-wall and watched, could follow the meaning of it. They began to crowd closer, to squat cross-legged on the floor, in circles one outside the other, until the European three became the center of three rings of men who stared at them with owls' solemnity.

He stood with his back-to the fire, a spruce and carefully-dressed little figure, passing remarks upon the weather with young Pembroke, who leaned his graceful length against the mantelpiece. The noble traveller was presented with due ceremony to Mrs. Frost, who greeted him with old-world courtesy.

Van Emmon stared at the doctor. "How does this idea fit your theory, Kinney that Venus is simply the earth plus several thousand extra generations of civilization?" "Fit?" echoed the doctor. "Fits like a glove. We humans are fast becoming a race of indoor-people despite all the various "back-to- nature" movements. Look at the popularity of inclosed automobiles, for example.

They had it, the cutter letting drive a shot every once in a while. The first shot, I remember, went whistling by the ear of one of O'Donnell's crew who was standing back-to in the waist, and so astonished him, he not expecting it, that he fell into the forehold. He raised a great racket among a lot of empty barrels. The fall never hurt him, but the things he said when he came on deck again!